You guys might remember Amanda mentioning the song "Shed a Little Light", how it was sung by one of Richard's sisters at his funeral. I completely forgot about that one, but Muppet Newsgirl reminded me when she mentioned "Lonesome Road." Here's the lyrics and a youtube clip with the actual song (remember, they replaced MLK's name with Richard, heh)
"Let us turn our thoughts today
To martin luther king
And recognize that there are ties between us
All men and women
Living on the earth
Ties of hope and love
Sister and brotherhood
That we are bound together
In our desire to see the world become
A place in which our children
Can grow free and strong
We are bound together
By the task that stands before us
And the road that lies ahead
We are bound and we are bound
There is a feeling like the clenching of a fist
There is a hunger in the center of the chest
There is a passage through the darkness and the mist
And though the body sleeps the heart will never rest
Shed a little light, oh lord
So that we can see
Just a little light, oh lord
Wanna stand it on up
Stand it on up, oh lord
Wanna walk it on down
Shed a little light, oh lord
Cant get no light from the dollar bill
Dont give me no light from a tv screen
When I open my eyes
I wanna drink my fill
From the well on the hill
(do you know what I mean? )
- chorus -
There is a feeling like the clenching of a fist
There is a hunger in the center of the chest
There is a passage through the darkness and the mist
And though the body sleeps the heart will never rest
Oh, let us turn our thoughts today
To martin luther king
And recognize that there are ties between us
All men and women
Living on the earth
Ties of hope and love
Sister and brotherhood"
Obviously a very touching sentiment. Though it saddens me that we say it all the time, but can't follow through with it in our lives. You know, talk is cheap, actions are expensive, heh.
I also liked the line about "a place in which our children can grow free and strong." It shocks me how often you hear about some form of child abuse on the news. Respect for children in this country is so low. It would be great if more people could take songs and sentiments like this seriously.
Sorry for being all down. Of course, I know there are plenty of people in the world who do take it seriously, and thank God for them. They will never get the praise or attention from the news, but the world is better for them.