
Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2006
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I'm gonna go try and learn one. A Scooter impression would be cool to have.

Update: My Beaker is becoming very very very bad. I don't know what happened. But now when I try it, there's, and I don't know how, six different pitches of my vocal chords scratching. Can /not/ be good. :eek:


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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I believe I've already posted this somewhere else, but I'm reposting this for the club to see.

My Clipboard.
Normally it means nothing to me,
but today, I see it anew.

As I mourn, I celebrate.
As I laugh, I cry.
I wonder how such greatness could make such a man.
Piano player, forgetful, the go-getter, the opera.
The kid who loved to show things to his ma.
The kid who loved to always help, and always sing.

I smile when I hear his sweet melodic voice.
I cry when I watch his characters light up.
I think of you, all the time.

Garlic popcorn brings back sweet memories.
My clipboard in my arms, makes me smile.
My computer...and yet I cry again.

I wish I could help you, sweet man of happiness.
But, you are nevermore, your visage is nothing but a memory,
in our minds, and in our hearts.

Though, with no words, you touched me.
In my time of sadness, the thought of you pulled me through.
You did not know it, but you helped me.
Your love of life, saved me from misery.
Your songs, saved me from tears.

Your pestering...made me laugh.

I always have dreamed that I could be related to you.
Perhaps share in your genes that greatness you held.
I will never know, but, I always believe you are in my heart.

Sweet man, you sing and dance in heaven now.
I know my treasure lies with you and your friends,
we shall all have a show, high in the sky.
But, that time is not near.
So I wait, in happiness for it to appear.

Dearest Richard, or may I call you Rich?
I wish you hear this, from my heart and from my mind,
I love you.
I love you for what you showed us,
that dreams are always possible,
never give up, always try.

And when all else fails, bring up your Uncle.


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2006
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Oh yeah, I read that poem. It's wonderful. Thanks for bring it back up. :big_grin:

Oh, PS, I had a dream a night or two ago that somebody, I don't know if it was Hunt, it didn't really look like him, was explaining how to do Beaker's voice, and putting it into English ((instead of that dream language that always seems to make sense in the dream but doesn't in real life)) it was something like "Pretend there is a narrow stick coming straight out each nostril, pressed together in the center, and then force the noise out of them."

It may be a message from beyond the grave, so just thought I'd share it. :wink:


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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I just tried that...and...[at least for my voice] was nearly spot-on!

Tommorrow I'll be recording my impressions of Scooter and Beaker, as well as Janice, and Fozzie.

Muppet Newsgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2006
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I ,too, would have to designate Richard Hunt as my favorite of the Muppeteers. The man sounds like he was a real laugh riot while he was with us, and an all-around nice guy to boot.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Dear Jim Henson Company,

My name is Sara Elisabeth Vines. I'm a huge fan of the muppets. Just to get this out of the way, I would adore to have a picture of Scooter!

That out of the way, I feel I'd like to share with you something. I've always been a great fan of you guys, especially Scooter, and Kermit. You have inspired me to be creative in everyway possible, and to enjoy life as it comes. Not to take everything so seriously! Jim's words of wisdom always give me inspiriation, and I still cry at the end of The Muppet Movie.

This is probably a very touchy subject, but...I know Richard Hunt died sadly, of complications of the AIDS virus. I myself have a disease almost on that level. It is not AIDS, but it is called Hepitius C Virus. For the past year I have been taking shots and pills and doing blood tests every month. Usually people who undergo this treatment become very depressed, almost to the point of suicide.

Although you did not know it, you were all my support. You kept me laughing when I felt sad. I never got depressed! I never felt down and out. I felt crummy, that could not be avoided, but I had never felt so happy in my life. I knew, that I should treasure everyday as it comes. And Richard himself, although he has passed away, he was my driving force. Whenever I felt like quitting the treatment, just say to heck with it and quit. I was reminded of Richard. It wasn't anything that he did, or what he said. But just...him. I knew he would want me to keep going, to get better. To beat virus this hands-down.

I'm sorry if I've said something that could be seen as out of line, or as crude. I just felt like sharing this story with you. It was so inspiring to myself, and to know that your work is not only entertaining, but it is life-changing.

Included with this letter is a copy of a set of stories that I have written. I hope you enjoy reading these as much as I enjoyed writing them. Thanks for taking the time out of your busy schudles to read my letter.

Many Sincere Regards,

Sara Elisabeth Vines


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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That's my fan letter for Scooter. I'll be mailing that with my two copies of my books.

I hope they recieve it well.


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2006
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Of course they will. Hopefully it's the right address though. I've sent numerous things, and they all end up right back at my doorstep. But that's a lovely letter. Let us know if they send something back!