Eh, high school was high school for me. Got bullied, picked on, even up until my 12th year. Most of them stopped by 10th grade, but some idiots decided it would be fun to continue pushing my buttons up until graduation! Prom however was really....strange to me!
I swear I thought someone was going to do something horrible to me, but everyone (even people I used to consider 'enemies' and still kept a wary eye on) were nice to me! Some of the girls who wouldn't think twice about being complete witches to me, complemented me on my dress! And how I danced!
Then graduation came, and I completely freaked before we were supposed to go out on stage. Some of those same girls (I had about 10 of them) came over to me, and got me to calm down. I asked one of them, why they did that all through school, and one of them finally gave me an answer, I don't know if she was lying to make me feel better, or what, but it stuck with me.
"I can speak for most of us who did that to you, Sara. We...kinda felt envious of how you seemed to act. You liked to break the mold, and just be you. You never conformed, and...and we envied that. Some of us were probably just mean for fun, but at least for me, I envied you sometimes. You didn't care that you were overweight. You didn't feel like you had to be stick-thin, or wear the top of fashion. You....were just you."
Then one of them added, "I also thought it was interesting on how much you stood up for your friends. Most of us, if something happened, we just fell away from that person, until the fight was over. It was 'every man for himself'. Yet you didn't care. You always stayed by your friends, and you stood up for them."
Then one of them actually gave me a hug. And had said that I also had the guts to not wear high heels! (I wore thick chunky nicely-polished black boots that day! With shorts!)
I don't think they actually envied me, but it was nice to hear it at least. Plus when my 5 year or 10 year reunion comes around, I'll probably be the only girl who dosn't have a kid!