Wouldn't you know, that was the first episode I watched as soon as I got the set back home. Brilliant Beatles references. One of the best references is that Him is in the "band." Him's basic design and voice is based off of the Head Blue Meany from Yellow Submarine.My favorite episode was the Beat-Alls episode. Where Mojo Jojo, Him, Princess, and Fuzzy Lumpkins joined together to start a villain group and they did a parody of the lives of the Beatles where they shouted catchphrases based on Beatles songs. And Mojo ended up falling in love with a girl monkey who ended up breaking up the villain group.
Considering they're double sided, there's 12 disks. I think if they made it 12 separate disks, it would have cost a lot more than 55. I'm no fan of double sides myself for the same reason. They do have really really small labels on the innner most rim that say what side and what disk it is... that's basically it. The episodes are broken up into 13 episodes per disk, most of them on the front side, and about 5 on the back, with the bonus features.I was worried it would have been like...100. Although I already know I'm not going to like the double sided disks. 1, I smuge them too easily 2, I can never figure out which side is which