I'm the granddaughter of an Episcopal minister who had his own church. My mother, (his daughter) was deeply religious due to her upbringing; my father was agnostic due to his very harsh, religion-based upbringing. My mother had us in church every Sunday of our growing-up. My father, an environmen-
talist, took us to the natural world and said here is your evidence of God, should such a thing exist.
I consequently grew up with warring parental factions, a resultant open mind, and it so happens that I choose not to spend time in church. I personally have no need of any organized entity to reinforce or buttress my faith or beliefs, which happen to run quite deep.
I fully understand and respect the things that places of worship offer to many, and I have no trouble with that. I am however deeply troubled by anyone of any faith who does not offer the same in return to those unlike themselves, and those who predict dire spiritual consequences for those who differ from themselves.
I do not and never have held that any faith or set of beliefs is to be imposed by anyone upon anyone. Intelligence, education and exploration of faith and faiths will lead anyone, on their own initiative, to what is correct for them; and I believe it is incumbent upon human beings to do so, rather than to blindly accept ANYTHING.
I do not accept that Christianity, whose base and roots dwell in Judaeism, is imprimatur or permission for non-acceptance of each other. In fact, I drew precisely the opposite conclusion. Harshness, cruelty, violence, human superiority, judgementalism and intolerance should never be allowed to hide behind the voluminous and all-too-handy skirts of any faith. Yet it still goes on daily, throughout the world, despite the dangerous folly that history has long taught us it is.