Eddie is a little muppet that lives in my head and inserts himself into every muppet thing bar a few, He is that cute thing from the start of MCC that eats bread on a big arch thing,
He often replaces Bean Bunny, Robin the Frog (apart from Kermit scenes etc.) and that cat (forgot the name) backstage in later eps of TMS.
He appears
in TMM *In the cinema and gets blown up by Crazy Harry and flies into Scooters Popcorn, Then at the interval bit where Swedish chef messes it up he says " We're all Doomed!" and At the crowd scene.
in MGC He is in the Hapiness Hotel and has some lines in the song.
in MTM he is somwhere but I havent seen this before so I don't know where exactly.
in...I'm going to start a thread about this.