They have so much potential, and they are just not using it. It's like tey are falling into one of the same traps Muppets Tonight fell into with very little music.One song pre show is way to little.
As opposed to the
no music at all from the beginning of the series.
The writers are trying to juggle the sitcom format with a variety show format. No argument there. There wouldn't be an audience even if they were doing an exact retread of the original series. They'd get bored and still say "they raped my childhood" no matter what they do. The show has seen mark improvement since the break, even just before it. They're going to have an occasional off episode because
every show does. I've never seen a show crush it 100% of the time.
That said, if this show does get canned, there's pretty much nothing else we're going to see for a while. The same critics that whined about this show being different are the same that whined about MMW for
not being different enough. I'm not going to wait around 5 years for a crummy TV movie with the occasional lame TV Talk show appearance.