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The Muppets: For the Both of Us


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2010
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This is the new fanfic I'm working on! Hope you enjoy! :big_grin:


Kermit sat at his desk, sifting through bills, guest star requests, and insurance policies. ‘At least I have time to take care of it before the show starts back up.’ He thought, feeling slightly anxious. The Muppet Show was about to begin its fifth year, and although the break had been nice, the stage was where he really belonged.

BAM BAM BAM! "Frog, open up!" Oh no. This wasn’t something he was looking forward to.
Gulping, Kermit answered with a small sounding "Come in…", followed by a very angry whatnot woman striding in, trumpet base in hand.
"Hello Daniella..." He mumbled, shuffling through papers to give the illusion of calmness.

The girl set down her instrument and folded her arms over her purple tux. "Well? How long were you planning on not telling me?"

"Look, I was going to talk to you later today..."

"Darn it Kermit, I can't believe this! I've been here since the beginning! Through everything! So now I'm getting replaced! FIRED?" She exploded, flailing her arms a bit in frustration.

"Look, I’m not-Wait, where did you hear about it?" Kermit asked warily.

"I heard it from Mildred who heard it from The Chef who heard it from Beau who heard it from Fozzie who heard it from Rowlf who heard it from Scooter." She informed him irritably.

"I don’t want to fire you; I just want to reposition you in the orchestra on trombone."

"Exactly. I’m being replaced." She hissed. Before Kermit could reply, a knock sounded at the door.

"Go away!" Daniella shouted, annoyed.

"Come in." Kermit instructed, exasperated. Floyd Pepper strolled in, a timid-looking Muppet at his heels.

"Green stuff! Got the new kid." He said. Daniella walked over to the other musicians until she was only a few inches from them, eyeing the newcomer briefly. A thin yellow Muppet, with Bohemian styled clothes and a large blonde fro.

"This is my replacement? Some nobody hippie kid?" She asked incredulously. "What’s your damage on him, Trumpet Girl?" Floyd said smirking.

"My name isn’t Trumpet Girl! It’s Dani, get it right beatnik!" She shouted, fuming. Picking up her trumpet case, she stomped out of the room, slamming the door behind her.

"Sorry about that... What’s your name?" Kermit asked.

"This…" Floyd said, clapping a hand on the horn player’s shoulder "is Lips."


:stick_out_tongue: Sorry this is so short. The following ones will be longer!



Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2007
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Definitely intriqued by the title of this new fic, and I like the intro of Lips into the show. Definitely curious so keep up the great work!


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2008
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i like it! keep up the awesome work! :big_grin:


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2010
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BAM! 'nother Chapter! :3 A big thank you to my beta readers! :smile:


‘Why would he do this? Doesn’t he think I’m good enough? Am I good enough?’

“Stupid FROG!” She yelled, slamming her fist against the wall, accidently putting a hole in it. “Oops. Think you can fix that, Beau?” She asked the nearby janitor.

“Sure, Daisy!”

“It’s Dani…” She corrected absentmindedly. Wandering into the orchestra pit, she sat down with a sigh, lost in her own thoughts.

“How’re ya’ doing, Dani?” Jumping, she looked up. She had been so preoccupied, Dani hadn’t even noticed that the piano in the pit was in use. “Oh, hey, Rowlf.”

“Lookin’ pretty blue, but Kermit didn’t fire you, apparently.” He noted, running his hands over the keys.

“He replaced me. He wants to move me to trombone.” She said, twinges of both sadness and resentment in her voice.

“You’ve said yourself that you’re better at trombone.” Rowlf reminded her calmly.

“He’s replaced me with some unkempt hippie that Pepper dragged in, none the less! I just…”

“Want to kick his brass?” Rowlf tried.

“Cute. Cute joke…” She replied dully. “I mean, as much as I hate the nickname, I am the trumpet girl! Who’s that wannabe to waltz in here and take my place?”

“Have you heard him play?”

“Well, no…”

“Is he a jerk?”

“I haven’t-”

“Do you know his name?”

“No! All I know is the show definitely isn’t big enough for the both of us, and I’m not leaving.” She said firmly.

Rowlf sighed and scratched his head. “Dani, have considered giving the kid a chance?”

“AGH! You don’t understand! You aren’t any help!” She groaned before stalking off, grumbling. “Nobody understands!”

“…I give ‘im a season, tops.”


Lips put down his trumpet and shot Kermit a questioning look.

“Well, you’re great at the trumpet, undoubtedly. Can you play anything else?” The horn player shook his head.

“Can you sing?” Nod.

“Are you going to talk?” Shrug.

“Heh, he’s quiet, but he sure can wail, huh?” Floyd rasped with a smile.

“That’s for sure. You’re hired. The show starts back up tomorrow night.” The musician nodded and slipped out the door.

“Hey, Floyd, where did you find this guy?” Kermit inquired. He was good, but the Electric Mayhem was rather picky about bringing in new members.

“Zoot found ‘im playing at a bar, man. Kid was better than any other dudes we could find.” Floyd said.

“Well, keep an eye on him for a while. It’s been a long time since Daniella was this mad…”




Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2010
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<3 Love it! I love how you made Lips' debut in total mute, and Dani is so cute when she's all paranoid XP *plays the trumpet<33*

Oh....and I forgot to mention Rowlf and his puns...love the original joke! XP *woof <33*


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2010
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“You’re needed in the orchestra pit, Daniella!” Dani turned my head towards Scooter. “Really? I just started warming up…” She mused.

“30 minutes ago.” He informed her briskly. Sherolled her eyes and sighed before nodding and going into the pit. The theater was sold out, and she could tell that it was going to be a great crowd. ‘They’re getting ansty, but then we’ll have ‘em when we start.’ She thought with a smile. Her smile faded fast as she sat down. ‘I have to sit next to him?’ She thought, glaring at Lips. When he didn’t acknowledge her, Dani sat down with a huff, turned up her nose, and focused on her music.

“Hey, Trumpet Girl, where were yah today? We were supposed to run the theme song.” Dani turned to Floyd sharply. “It’s none of your business what I do, and why heck would I need to practice it? We’ve been playing it for years.”

“Well, you’ve never really played it on trombone, you’ve always played the trumpet part…” She froze, before casting a death glare at Zoot. “Drop it before I-”

“Not opening night…” Rowlf mumbled quickly. Regaining her composure, Dani merely shot an icy glare at Lips.

“Well, sometimes real talent gets upstaged by amateurs. Sure does help to have friends close to the boss, huh?”

LIPS GOOD! LIPS GOOD!” Animal protested from his drums.

“Hey, the lil’ green dude wouldn’t have hired him if he was bad!”

“Then how did you get a job here, Pepper?” She asked with a triumphant smirk.

“Why I oughta!-”

“Guys! C’mon…”

“Settle down everyone.” Everyone turned to the new voice as Nigel shuffled in. “No need to fight.” He said mildly.

The musicians (begrudgingly) got ready to play. “It’s the Muppet Show, with our very special guest star, Weird Al Yankovich! YAAAAY!”

‘They gave the punk a solo in the theme?’She thought, a spike of anger coursing through her. ‘Well, actually, he’s really good…’ A small voice in the back of her mind said. ‘NO! No no no!’ As soon as the opening ended, Dani stood up. “Excuse me for a minute…” She mumbled to Nigel, before walking out. ‘This guy needs to go! Steals my place, everyone’s siding with him!’

“What to do…” She thought. Suddenly, a devious smile spread across her face as her eyes rested on the balcony box.



“How bad do you think it’s going to be tonight, Waldorf?”

“Don’t ask me, I’ll be turning down my hearing aid!”


“Hey, old guys.” The hecklers turned around, to see the musician standing behind them. “What do you want, little girl? Shouldn’t you be down performing?” Waldorf asked.

“No, don’t encourage her!”

“DO’H HO-”

Look, I came up here for a reason.” She growled. “Would you rip that blonde guy on trumpet extra hard?”

Waldorf snorted and raised an eyebrow at her. “Why should we?”

“Uhh….Because there’s 20 dollars in it for you each?” She said, getting out her wallet.

“…How hard do we need to go on him?”

"Crush his spirit. Make him cry in a corner…" She said with a dark smirk.


Hope you likey! :3



Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2010
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:big_grin: Thanks for all the feedback! :/ Next chapters gonna take a bit longer to get up...


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2010
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C: Here we are, Chapter 4! Sorry for the wait, dearies.

This chapter is dedicated to the fabulous WhiteRabbit, because it's her BIRTHDAY EVERYBODY! :big_grin:


“-another one rides the bus!" The jazz variation of Weird Al’s song had gone smoothly, and the audience had loved it.

“Looks like the band picked up a new guy.” Statler said loudly

“Yah, but they sure should drop him!"

“Do’h ho! Maybe he should get on the bus out of here!" ‘What’s their deal?" Zoot thought, glancing up at the balcony box. ‘Why’re they targeting him?" The comments from Statler and Waldorf were starting to stir up the rest of the audience.

“Who is he, anyway?"

“Yeesh, how long will he be here?"

"Who's the poser?"

The curtain quickly closed, putting the crowd out of the band’s view. Slightly puzzled they walked backstage.

“Gawd, they sure were going hard…”

“Don’t listen to them, dude. Those squares don’t know music from whatever Miss HamHocks does!"


“Well, new kid, audience didn’t seem to like you…” Looking up, they saw Dani walking by, smirking. “Sure you’re as good as you thought you were?" She taunted, walking off smugly.


“Whataya bet she put the old guys up to it, also?"

But the quiet brass player seemed unfazed by everything, and just nodded and shrugged at his bandmates' reassurances.


“She rully needs to, like, mellow out…” The Electric Mayhem sat around the living room of their flat the next day. Janice and Floyd were snuggled up on the worn but comfy loveseat; next to them sat Zoot, possibly asleep. Dr. Teeth sat on an old, squeaky recliner, Lips sat Indian style on the floor, and Animal was in his petbed, gnawing on a stuffed duck.

“Too true, too true. She’s jealous, my man.” Dr. Teeth said.

“-Huh? Wha? S’going on?" Zoot mumbled, jerking out of sleep.

“Dani setting the old dudes on Lips.”

“Oh. Yeah, she’s crazy jealous.”

“I never liked her anyway. She’s majorly square, her and Nigel.” Floyd grumbled. Lips sat silently, nodding ever now and again, mind reeling.

“Guys, let’s get rid of all these bad vibes, y’know? Let’s, like, go to that new organic smoothie place!" Janice suggested.

SMOOTH-IE! SMOOTH-IE!” Animal chanted enthusiastically.

“ I’m up for it, babe!"

“You all go, I’ll stay here.” The others all looked at Lips. He seemed troubled, sparking concern in Zoot.

“Uh, I’ll stay too…” He mumbled.

“Well, okay, we’ll, like, be back soon!" After they had left, Zoot sat down across from Lips.

“Talk to me, man.”


“I don’t careif you aren’t good with words, I’m not either.”

“…I think I’m into her.”

“Really? Well, y’know, we dated a while back, but she’s pretty into Fl-“

“Not Janice;” Lips said, shaking his head. Glancing away from his bandmate, he sighed and mumbled, “Daniella…”

“…Really?Don’t wanna break it to yah, but she kinda…hates you.” Zoot said slowly. Lips nodded sadly.

“Tell me somethin’ I don’t know…”


SLAM! “Dani, I’m baaaack!

“Hey, Annie Sue…” The musician muttered. She sat curled up on her couch, watching a soap opera she couldn’t understand. Even at a quick glance it was obvious the woman wasn’t paying attention and was incredibly destracted.

“Oooooh, what’s happened?" She asked, flopping down next to her roommate.

“Uhh….Julio killed someone…” Dani said, running her fingers through her hair.

Annie Sue gave the girl a critical look. “There isn’t a Julio in this one.”


“Soooo, I heard your brilliant plan didn’t work.” The lady pig said, breaking the silence.

“No kidding! The loser hardly even noticed! I’m out 40 bucks for nothing!" She growled in disgust.

“Why do you care so much?" Annie questioned as Dani’s eyes flashed in frustration.

“Doesn’t anyone get it? He replaced me, Annie!The show is notgoing to have two trumpet players! I’ve gotta get rid of him.”

“It’s got, like, 5 pigs.”

“It’s not the same!" She hissed, putting her head in her hands. The young girl studied Dani for a moment, before smiling.

“I think you like him.”

WHAT?” Dani screeched in shock, “Are you kidding?"

“No! You like him and don’t wanna admit it.” Annie Sue said, her smile widening, eyes sparkling with excitement.

“No! He’s disgusting! I can’t stand him!"

You keep saying thaaat…”Annie Sue sang with a grin, giggling.

“UGH! You’re so immature, Annie! I need some air…” Dani groaned, storming outside onto her balcony. It was midmorning, overcast, windy and cool, but the cold breeze helped her simmer down.

‘What made her think that? Maybe she heard it through gossip? Or just thought of it? Or…Maybe?"

NO!” She shouted, slamming her fists onto the cold metal railings.

“I don’t like him…” She mumbled, eyes darkening, “I WILLget him to leave!"


:0 and on that dramatic note, we end!



Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2008
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*PENGUIN!* :zany:

awesome chapter! i LOVE the way yer developing dani. i rully like her character. can't wait for some more! :smile: