I really enjoyed the two-part season finale, and here's my review of the first part, Generally Inhospitable:
In the main story, I did felt pretty concerned for Piggy when she hurt herself trying to do a rendition of "Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)" by Beyonce.

It was pretty fortunate for Kermit and the others to put on the latest show at the hospital for Piggy's sake, as a way of saying the show must go on!

It was also a great comeback for Veterinarian's Hospital, and seeing Rowlf a part of the show again.

And I also loved Willie Nelson's performance with the Electric Mayhem.

At the end of the episode, I was really surprised to see Kermit and Piggy exchange the "I love you's" before Piggy was shipped off to surgery, though it was the morphine in Piggy's system talking, and Kermit suddenly realized he still has feelings for her

, which unknown to them the camera was still on and the rest of the Muppets were in shock to see the truth right in front of them.

The only question left on everyone's and mine is Should Kermit and Piggy get back together or not? Well let's wait for Part 2 and find out. So exciting!
In the Pache storyline, I got to see that there was more to that guy than meets the eye. When he tried to take over the show, and the Muppets try to stop him once more this time by stealing his phone and lock him in the dressing room, I almost thought it was good karma, but then I began to see a part of him that was completely misunderstood as I learn that he was once a chubby kid and had a difficult relationship with his father, thanks to Sweetums' approach to get through to him. It was a nice end to the story when the Muppets helped Pache reconcile with his father and run the family business. I know Pache was the least liked character on the series, but I couldn't help feeling sorry for him in the end and now I think he may have a bright future ahead of him. Nice bit for a season finale.
As we finished up the first part of the Season 1 finale, we now head into Part 2. May as well stick around.