My review of "Swine Song":
Greetings fellow Muppet bloggers, let me just say that it feels nice to be back here on the forum to share our own reviews about tonight's episode. Plus, I'd like to take the time and apologize for my absence; let's just say like the Muppets going on vacation, I took a temporary "vacation" as well just to rest until the show came back on. But now I'm back, and I can't wait to talk about this week's episode and future shows coming real soon. So without further ado, here's my opinion on the latest episode, "Swine Song".
For starters, I did like the beginning of the show where everyone was talking about their vacation, especially the part with Janice speaking to the "ghost". I'm not saying she's crazy, but I'm guessing from a woman's intuition she's some kind of medium, meaning a person who speaks to ghosts.
I adored the Gloria Estefan penguin scenes, but I could tell Uncle Deadly wasn't having a party having to babysit a penguin from "Ar-hen-tina" or Argentina which Piggy rescued. I also liked it when Piggy though she could speak spanish, especially with the "Lo siento! That means I'm sorry!" It's something like this that should make me want to learn spanish.
Second, I wasn't too fond of Pache or "P-I-Double Z-A" (I found it to be quite funny when the Muppets were naming Pizza brands, such as Domino's, Pizza Hut, Chuck E. Cheese, Little Caesar's; me, I thought of Papa John's, plus I love pizza) since he brought down Key and Peele's show and I was certain he ain't gonna bring down the Muppets' show, either! Besides when the network president wanted the group to consider him a "member of the family" or "more like dad", I thought "by the way, I'm not calling you daddy." Also, I really started to resent him for getting Key and Peele off the show and sabotage it just to get back at the Muppets. I even thought about what he said about the audience being "old"; to me, Kermit and his friends' show is for everybody, no matter the age.
The part where Piggy dressed as Miley Cyrus just to give the show energy made me believe she was having an identity crisis. I like her for who she is, though I did like her change in personality since her vacation to Argentina.
The part with the cast and crew doing an a cappela version of the "Muppet Show theme song" was another favorite part of mine. It was really fun!
Another part that gave me some concern was Kermit and Denise's relationship. I think Denise kind of jumped to conclusions when Kermit forgot about her "5 K run" after working all night and she thought he and Piggy were "cuddling". I could sense her slight jealousy when Piggy and Kermit did a song together just to save the show. I do hope Denise and Kermit work out their differences along with Piggy in the future. To me, this is another chapter in the Kermit/Piggy/Denise love triangle.

Also, I like the theme song change in which Piggy gets Kermit a coffee and he says: "Time to get things started" in a positive tone. I say it's a real turning point.
In conclusion, I consider this episode a fresh start of the spring season for future muppet episodes to come. The episodes I'm most excited for are the ones guest starring Joan Jett (my fave female rock icon!) and Willie Nelson.

Honestly, can't this show get any more better or what?