The Muppet Mindset


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Apr 13, 2002
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That's what I was inclined to think at first. But there are some signs.

1) Weinstine has apparently pulled the same stunt with Hoodwinked 2. Even though the film was well into production at the time. Apparently there was a lawsuit that was filed directly at Weinstine from directly blocking the film. At best, the rumor is true and it gets a who cares DVD release. And it should also be known, the BK kids meal toys were released last January.

2) Henson WANTS this film to be made. They want to relaunch the Fraggles so bad. The wave of random new merchandise, comics, and reruns on the Hub are clear evidence. They're clearly biding their time, but what it all comes down to is that they don't have the financial means to go it alone.

3) I've heard of scripts being held up for years, but this is ridiculous. Wanting an "edgier" film when everyone is SICK of phony edge by now, potentially putting the film's key group, Fraggle Fans with kids of their own, to try to get kids who don't care or know who the characters are who would be content in seeing anything else. Now, had this been a bigger studio that could stand the loss, it would be a "failure to launch" franchise, and it would be put in the closet with Rocky and Bullwinkle, Speed Racer, and Underdog. No major losses. This is a minor studio that prides itself on being supposedly independent. And even then, fiddling around with the material, even a script that was considered good 2 years ago before all this Wembling and foot dragging went into high gear Something tells me either they were trying to make this the film that saved the studio, or they're just running everyone on a wild goose chase until they finally run out of money.

4) they needed to find partners for a partnership for their partnership with Henson. While this is common practice, it did send out a warning flag.

5) Haven't seen or heard them do anything else lately.

So, unless there's some idiotic contractual thing that's holding the script hostage (my biggest concern), I think Henson NEEDS to consider other options. After all, they want to launch the characters again, they would stand to lose the most if the film doesn't happen.
My thinking is that there's not only difficulty in finding Fraggle Movie suitors, but finding a fit with a studio that will maintain the integrity of the Fraggles. There are endless companies that want to make films for brands like Fraggle Rock, but they want do everything in CG and get pop stars to voice the characters. Henson has been doing well in their television projects, but film has been an uphill battle. I don't think that films like Buddy, MirrorMask or Good Boy have helped their film cred much. A Fraggle film could put them back on top. I think all attention should go to making it happen. Much already is. They have toys, shirts, costumes, comics and live Red appearances. Could Weinstein be waiting to see how next year's Muppet movie performs?


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Weinstine won't last that long. And neither will the kids of fans of that show's childhoods. That is the major problem. All the studios want to make Chipmunks movies. I am actually quite frustrated by how much of a surprise hit that was, leading to such terrible movies they would have NEVER EVER made if it flopped. The Smurfs would clearly have gone in a different direction instead of the lowest common denominator with a generic script, and CGI Looney Tunes movies would go unmade (of course, I get the feeling they're not going to get made all that quickly either way). Oh, and Marmaduke would have stayed a lame comic strip from the 70's or whenever. So that is clearly killing this film.

Weinstine is proving to not want to be in the movie business anymore. They haven't released anything for a while, they've almost killed Hoodwinked 2 (not that I was in a rush to see it, but it was a sign of things to come). This is NOT GOOD for any prospect of a Fraggle Film in our or anyone else's life times.

Suppose I'm wrong about them stalling for time and they really want to take the "edgy" way out. That's why they went to an independent company like Weinstine in the first place... to avoid the usual Hollywood "dumb it down for the Podunks and hip it up for our old white out of touch vision of the ethnics" garbage. Unless Cory's script is complete crap (which it isn't) changing the entire movie, hiring someone over his head and making a different movie in hopes a fart filled Pop culture mention-fest with no plot and plenty of hip hop from 10-15 years ago will save their pathetic little studio just... it sounds like a very despicable move. Henson could have gone to anywhere else for that, and we would have had it and complained how terrible it was by now. But endless waiting for multiple little companies to jump on board is NOT going to be fruitful, even if the script was entitled "Frizzaggle Rock: The Phat Journey in Bossanova 3-D, WORD!" Or something with dated slang no one uses that they think kids are gaga for.

Lionsgate seems to be the only ones that could potentially pull this one off. Why them and Weisntine have bad blood and don't want to go halfsies is beyond me (and more of the same spoiled brats that won't share their truck-itude). Really. This movie is NOT going to happen, and I hope Weinstine goes under.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Prawnieeees! Just found the article and noticed ju has What Can I Be? from the Sesame Street special A Magical Halloween Adventure.

If dis is so... Do ju then has or can make MUP3's of the songs Monsters Are Scary and/or Monsters Don't Have To Be Scary with the accompanying dialogue as they air on MCR please? If so, then send 'em my way. Thank ju wery much.
:rolleyes: :scary: :batty:

Oh, before I forget... Happy Halloween to all, and to all a good fright!
I don't think I can make the MUP3's of the songs... not unless they're on YouTube, too. What Can I Be? was on Sesame's official YouTube channel, and I didn't see anything else. But if you can find them, send me a link and I can make them into MP3's for you!


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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Well that was something. umm wow we need someone who really knows how to do an interview. TBC needs to learn a thing or two.