Er, Professor Dosier... I noticed you mentioned that Janice didn't speak again in puppet form until 2002 in VMMC (Very Merry Muppet Christmas), her voice provided by "Jim" Henson. Did you mean to say "Brian" Henson instead, as his father, Jim, was already dead for a full dozen years since 1990 by then?
Also, in the presentation on Sweetums... It might be worth pointing out that the Muppet monster's first onscreen appearance was in 1971's The Frog Prince where he was puppeteered by Jerry Nelson inside the suit and voiced by Carl Banas.
Good lecture, I'm sure all the people over in the RHLC will be thrilled with the transcript of this class.
Edit 1: Hm, thought this was a sticky already.
Edit 2: Apparently I'm unable to stick threads anymore. You'll have to contact Phil about this instead, sorry.