Future Adam: OK, let's try something...
*Back at Cole home laboratory, two potion bottles and Mrs. Cole's perfume are mixed into the blender cauldron. We have to recreate this hexactly to make sure you both get back home safely.
Adam, adding a teaspoon of sands of time: Yes, and Izzy's mind will be put back in her younger body.
Future Adam: Correct, and the two of you will be safe and sound back at the old home. Just hope this works and you store our secrets well.
Adam: You can trust me, after all... I am yourself.
Future Adam: Yes, well... Brew's ready I'll just leave it here and tend to the girls' private reading while you and Izzy return to your correct time.
*Future Adam leaves, hoping for the best.
Adam: Well Isabelle, bottom's up.
*Both spill the drink creating a black hole opening back into the past.
Adam: Ah, home again. Wonder if Bo got back OK.