New surprises....newly insane....newspapers reporting on their daily activities...Must be a New Day at the Moppet Family...
*gets up in normal morning routine, dresses, puts on the kettle*
Ahh...cup of tea.
*collect the newspaper* explosion in a foreign beauty saloon...sounds like Mother must be having her hair done...*little laugh at joke* oh,
*hears the babies wake up, and goes inside to call Vic to get ready for school*
VIC! Get ready for School!
*rings Nanny Mingostone to come in to help early because the twins have woke early*
Ah, hello Nanny Manglegrind, can you come in to help early becase woke early.
*sits down at table to read paper with a cup of tea*
Ahhh, i think I'll just sit down and...
*do you have to state all your actions?*
No, sorry.
*good, don't....the narrator's getting miffed*
Ok. I will stop.