Father: *on ship* *mutter* *untagles self from rope* Man, you needed be so dramatic, captain!
Hevej: *stepping out of shadow* And miss your squeaky little voice yelling fer help? Better head atop and sea-ward before anyone catches adrift of what we be up to.
Moppet: If my feeling's right, as if of'en is, we're already too late for a sneaky sail into the ocean and we may as well brave for a battle of the minds in an attempt to explain this escapade.
Hevej: Yer wife's on board again?
Father: *shifty eyes* I never said that.
Hevej: Darn it Moppet, we hadn't even gotten going!
Father: *leaps forward and past Hevej* I never said it! Now let's get the boat-load moving before day breaks.