OOC: OK, gonna take a bit of flight of fancy here...
Christy and Nicki clashed their steel wits and metal swords against the hordes of U-Mun warriors clad in their earthwhile armoring. The battle moved swiftly, both sides taking a measure of their opponent's faculties, inflicting a bit of damage as they tipped the score in their favor with each fresh wound.
Adam, in his mutated monstrous form, guided by the nimble agility of his wife's fluid feline footsteps, worked at piecing the clues left behind by Headmistress... Locating the ten sparkling keys. After they had been convinced to snuggle into each of Adam's magic fingers, bursts of energy were dispersed owing to the keys' conversion into pure energy, becoming a new swirling ring of light that the master of the Coles would be able to tap into at his beck and call.
When Christy returned the twins powers to them so as to distract the U-Muns, she doomed her own children to be the bait and switch switching the keys' signals for their own. The U-Mun sentries assigned to spot the warning call believed to have found it, taking Vibs and Viq into their cruel callous clutches. The twins were reunited however, as they were deposited at the dungeon underneath the castle stronghold's foundations. Fearing their time was drawing near, the U-Mun general named simply Kazarius, gathered his troops and prisoners. He urged Mr. Gnome to entrust Bo and Hebbage, Beastly Kyle, Human Yakey and Biggy; as well as convincing Noh Driver to transport Jack Bandit, Don Conoli, Mrs. Jones, and the Cole triplets into his waiting arms. Both were simple souls, Noh Driver at the service of his true master, although they had been talked into delivering their captives over to the dreaded U-Muns.
Once the ringlet keys enfused Adam with their beneficial magic, he was able to return to Christy and Nicki, thoroughly ensconsed in the midst of the grueling battle. The U-Muns terrified at the sight of he whom they thought to be an invalueable ally, dropped their weapons and fled back into the countless corridors creating the underground labyrinth regrouping in Kazarius' master chambers. His sister's blood trickling down down her arms, Nicki hurt to her soul as well, he used his newfound energy to mystically heal and bring both back to the one being they truly were.
The only thing left now was for the original siblings of the Glendale School for the Magical Arts to reunite with Headmistress Featheringill, as she held the plans as how they would defeat the threat that surged this All Hollow's Eve.