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"The Moppet Family - Same Family, New Thread..."

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Christy? Sis, you there? Just received the first riddled message from Headmistress... She's working on ferreting the location of the keys to help us here, but she can only send the clues in riddle form... Can't take a chance on the U-Muns learning the location of that which they seek to attain greater powers.
Here's the message.

"One little spider spinning out a web
Now’s the time for working while the house has gone to bed!"


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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Mother: *mutters* I'm here. Only invisible. Thought it might be best seeing as the U-Muns think I'm dead. *reads the riddle and grumbles* I've never been good at these.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Eh... Just piece it together girly... Then again, you can talk it over with Izzy, she should know where we have to head off to.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2005
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- in the livingroom-
Viq: If you were a chinacup what color would you have?

-in the darkest jungle of africa-
Vibs: HOW can that be important right now WE'RE HANGING ON THE EDGE OF A CLIFF!!!

- in the livingroom-Viq: ... No we're holding onto the edge of this ridiculously little sofa table with 4 inches to the ground...

Vibs: *lets go* - *feet hit the floor* Oh c'mon Viq couldn't you just pretend we're in mortal danger?

Viq: We've been so many times honestly playing it is no fun anymore.

Vibs: Got cha... how about we play that we're perfectly safe?

Viq: Sounds thrilling...

Vibs: ... alright... - in a nice playpen, eating cookies - This is safe and nice. Aaaaaaaah.

Viq: Yeah..wow I love this.


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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Mother: *looks down at the riddle the over at Adam* Ya got me. That and it's hard to concentrate with half of my mind is keeping track of my kids. I just found Vibs and Viq. They're safe for now. Now if only I can track down Jana and Vic.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Father: *stumbles into the Moppet House* Alright, I've just about had it with this whole ridiculous so-called magical mystery whatever the heck it's called...ok, yeah, that confused me too, my point is, Red-Coated Guards, be gone, you don't want to see me when my ugly green side comes out...actually, I got that sergivally removed so you'll be fine...but you don't want to see me when I'm mad in the American way, not the British way. *looks around and sees no one but his kids pretending to be in a playpen* Oh, hey, are there any cool toys in there?

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Beady eyes peer out over the shelves at Father...

*Six red guards jump Bo and take him unawares again... Tieing him hand and foot, cupping his hands behind his body so as to minimize his struggling.
Right... Off to the gnome's dungeon you go governa.
Red Guard #5: What about the little tikes?
Red Guard #6: No worries mate, their mum's bound their powers. Just leave 'em be safe and sound.
Red Guard #4: C'meon... Let's take this blighter back to the gnome's hoosgow.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2003
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Toady! Toady, is that you, dear? I--I need some help!
Out in the hallway, Headmistress Featheringill assistant freezes in place, looking around for the source of the voice. He hears a muffled rattling and clanking from behind a closed door marked "AVOID."
Toady: Headmistress? Headmistress, is that you?
Headmistress Featheringill: (muffled) Thank white magic! It IS you--I'd know those webbed footsteps anyqhere. Yes--it's me, Toady. I--I think I'm stuck. Give us a hand, won't you?
Warily, Toady opens the door and looks in. It is dusty and mostly empty, save for a battered old brass spittoon on the floor.
Toady: (nervously) Um, Headmistress? Are you--are you in here?
Headmistress Featheringill: (more muffled, less patient) Yes--I'm right here!
Toady looks around in bafflement.
Toady: Are you--are you invisible?
Headmistress Featheringill: Of course not! Can't you--The brass spittoon on the floor gives a great shudder and falls over. Toady hops nervously into the air, then steps gingerly around to look inside the spittoon, which is about the size of a breadbox. His bulbous eyes go wide.
Toady: Headmistress! Marielle! How did you--? What happened to--?
(He stops and puts a hand on his chin.) That looks very uncomfortable.
Headmistress Featheringill: Lean closer, dear, and I'll tell you a secret.
Obediently, Toady leans in, his hands on the sides of the little spittoon.
Headmistress Featheringill: (practically bellowing) IT IS!
Toady leaps back, knocking the brass container across the floor, where it spins drunkenly for a moment or two.
Toady: Sorry--sorry!
Headmistress Featheringill: (weakly) I think I'm going to be sick. Here--give me your hand.
Today: Um....
Reluctantly, he puts his hand into the depths of the spittoon. To his surprise, it is gripped by his Headmistress' strong hands. With a great deal of huffing, puffing and maneuvering, she begins to emerge out of the battered container. It is a rather tight fit.
Headmistress Featheringill: Pull harder, dear. I'm afraid these are built for rather more svelte physiques than mine.
Toady buckles down and gives a great heave, pulling her out of the container with a sound like a champagne cork being released. Headmistress Featheringill straightens her hat and adjusts her clothing.
Thank goodness. That was a rather tight fit.
Toady: How did you--how did you get in there?
Headmistress Featheringill: Teleportation, dear. You know--you get into one sort of container and emerge in another one some distance away.
Toady: You mean, like a vanishing cabinet?
Her good humor evaporates in an instant.
Headmistress Featheringill: Well I guess some schools, like Hogwarts, can afford to have "vanishing cabinets" but the rest of us are on a budget. Dratted school tax cuts! We're stuck with other sorts of receptacles if we want to get about.
Toady: But--but how did you get into the spittoon?
Headmistress Featheringill: Don't be ridiculous. I couldn't possibly get into a spittoon on the other end. Much too small. I...<evasively>I used another sort of receptable.
Toady: And--and your sleeve is all wet!
Headmistress Featheringill: (with dignity) I don't really want to talk about it, all right? Now--I'm sure you know some of what's been going on around here, so I decided to do a little digging of my own. (Her voice drops to a whisper.) You won't believe what's being planned, even as we speak! Come along--we've a lot to do!
Toady: (Stunned but following after) Um, okay, but--
Headmistress Featheringill: Yes? What is it, dear?
Toady: Why did the door say, "AVOID?"
Headmistress Featheringill looks at him for a long moment, then begins to chuckle.
Headmistress Featheringill: (fondly) Not AVOID, you ninny. A VOID. What better place to put a teleportation receptacle? Now, come along quickly dear. Let's grab a bit on the way to my office. We've got loads to do!


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Still in the Gnome's Castle.......

Human Biggy: *wakes up* What in the world happened? *rubs his head* Ow! *pokes it* Ow again! What did happen? All I remember is that I ran into the dungon and ran into Mr. Moppet and his friend. That's all I remember. *rubs head again* This is one sore spot. Wonder where Yakky is?

Around in the Castle.........

Human Yakky: *sees Kyle* There you are. Come on. *grabs my hairy arm*

Hairy Monstrous Kyle: *grunts and pushes Yakky on the ground*

Human Yakky: Why did you do that? *getting up off floor*

Hairy Monstrous Kyle: Me not know you. Me live here. Me never see you before. Get lost!

Human Yakky: Uh oh. Kyle's changing all the way. *turns back around* Uh...come on your Monstrous sir. I'm the gnomes court jester. I'm here to help you out with something.

Hairy Monstrous Kyle: You not joking with me?

Human Yakky: No sir. Oh and we also have some beast cake.

Hairy Monstrous Kyle: Ooooo me love cake!

Human Yakky: I knew that Kyle would still be somewhere in there.

Yakky leads Kyle outside of the Gnome's Castle and into the Yak-moblie. Biggy was still learking around the castle's dungon. Hope Yakky knows that. Let's just hope he does.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Father: *in jail cell, hears someone talking (It's Biggy, but Father doesn't recognise his human voice, obviously)* Hello? Ho there my good man and fellow citizan. Hello? HI? Can anybody hear me?