kermit and john john
does anybody know whether kermit and john john ever appeared together? one thing I noticed about john john's sketches was that all of the ones that i've seen take place in front of a blue background and john john always wore a red shirt. does anybody know if all of his skits were taped in the same day?
I have an album, cookie monster and grover: true blue, which has the song Still we Like each other, which was originally on the Sesame Street Live album, and john john sang with grover on that song.
anyway, although John John was was in the military in 1989, in the book Sesame Street Unpaved (made in 1998), it says that he is currently an accountant. I wonder if he still is an accountant.
In the 20th anniversary special, john john says that his real name is john Williams (I assume that is his name, as he said that that's what they call him now).