Hi, Gang!
Personal posts first and in order:
Alex--VERY nice to have met you. I appreciate the letter you left for me and the blueberry muffin. I couldn't believe it! Someone here remembered a post I made once that I love blueberry muffins! I hope you'll continue to draw more cartoons, and go visit the museum often. The Charles M. Schulz Museum has a BUNCH of great exhibits on the horizon so I hope you can make time to see them all. I was very, very happy to meet you and am sorry I smelled of airplane stink (my luggage was lost the night before, gang). I wish there had been more time. Jamie and I hung out on Sunday evening when I got to San Francisco; but, had you reminded me I think Muley was there by the time I met you. I could have found him for you had I remembered.
I'm pretty flighty in my thinking sometimes.
Anthony-- Grrr!

You should have called, man. If I had known a friend was in town, even at 3 a.m., and I could have met up I would have. One friend was in a layover in Memphis for one hour and I knew about it--that killed me not being able to visit, but getting in and out of the Memphis International Airport is heck anyway, so it would have been a "Hi, how are ya?" visit and done. But, yes, breakfast. Was it a flight, or driving?
(You BETTER hope it was flight.)
Frogboy! 11 or 12 years later and FINALLY I get to meet by friend, the Frog!

I think all the nice things you have said about me are only a reflection of the superb human being I always thought you are, and have been proven by meeting. Talk about talent--it's you, my friend. YOU! I've waited for 11 years to meet you, so it was way, way too short. So, I suppose that I'll get the chance to see you again (based on our current record) in 2019. Let's try to make it sooner.
Thanks for posting the picture. I see 3 very good looking guys in that image, and then some poor dope in a baseball cap. Ian's friends were all nice to me and my mule, and again they are all appreciated.
Alex and Froggie--let's not be strangers if we can help it.
Anthony--you're in trouble.