Scooter co-hosted The Tonight Show with kermit? I had no idea.
Yeah I talked about it on the RHLC a few years ago:
One of the best parts, Leo Sayer does his musical number, and then goes to sit down with Kermit and Scooter. Scooter says to Kermit, "Oh, another young person!" (Apparently they felt the need to explain why Scooter was in this particular segment, lol).
Kermit says "Oh yes, Leo, you remember Scooter."
Leo: Oh yeah, I remember all these guys from The Muppet Show! Scooter and I spent the whole time doing Cockey Rhyming slang, didn't we?
Scooter: You better believe it! Cherry hog, that's dog! Bowl of chalk, that's a walk!
Leo explains the concept of Rhyming slang and then does the following exchange with Scooter. The way the conversation goes, it feels to me that it's more Leo and the puppeteer beneath Scooter that are doing the remembering.
Leo: So for instance, I'd say to Scooter, "I love the Irish!"
Scooter: Oh, Irish jig that's...that's a wig! But wait, wait...
Leo: But then he'll say back to me...
Scooter: That's my barnet fair, that's my hair!
Scooter then briefly discusses the strange sandwiches to be found in England, "jelly dales...yuch!" Lol
Leo discusses the different words Americans and the English have for things, like they could rewrite that old song, "You say astro turf, and I say plastic grass!"
Scooter replies, "That's right, that's right!
Kermit asks Leo how he likes living in America and he says he actually only lives in America half the year. Scooter tries to imitate Leo's pronounciation of "half" and says to Kermit, "it doesn't sound right does it?" They end up saying Leo spends "half (American accent) the time here and half (English) there!"
Leo recalls getting blown up on The Muppet Show. Scooter intejects, "Yeah, falling down...sorry about that..." (very cute lol).
Kermit asks Leo what it's like to have millions of girls chasing him. Scooter hungrily replies, "Oh yeah I'd like that!"
They discuss what to do about chasing girls and Scooter comes up with his jem, "I put a bag that a blender came in over my head!" (This got a big laugh from the audience lol)
Kermit: For what?
Scooter: To hide from the girls!
Kermit: What girls?
Scooter: Uh...the ones that don't chase me...
Kermit: Yeah... (Lol)
Leo asks Kermit about his relationship with Piggy, to which Scooter helpfully comments, "Oh Kermit and Piggy are getting married ya know!" Kermit is horrified, but the crowd goes crazy!
Leo: Oh great! It's really takes bravey to announce it on TV like this, Kermit!
Scooter: It sure does!
Kermit: ::whimpers:: (Lol)
It was funny, the three of them just kept talking, almost like the audience wasn't there, lol. Eventually you felt like saying to Jim and Richard, "Just put the puppets down and let us see you!" But of course we weren't that lucky, lol.
Finally Leo gets up to sing a truly lovely rendition of "When I Need You" with Miss Piggy. Of course they eventually change the words to "When I Need Moi" which is priceless, lol. Leo Sayer's songs are great and he came across very young and energetic and likeable when talking with the Muppets.