You wont believe this. You're just not gonna believe this. Of all the things in the world you won't believe, it will be this. This is the thing that is totally, way on yonder beyond belief.
Know what it is?
You won't believe it.
I finally, today, just this afternoon, and without warning got me a new rubber chicken.
So, I'm happy again. It's the old fashioned kind; just not $3 like it used to be. Now they're more expensive, and I wont say how much cause then you'll think I'm weirder than you already think I am.
believe it or not.
Anyhoo...Producers, Hairspray, Into the Woods. I think Nathan Lane uses hairspray when he goes into the woods. Keeps the bugs off him. Of course, he COULD just do like I do, and smack the bugs with his rubber chicken.
or duckie, or piggy, or fishie...whatever he has that's rubber. Not tires tho, they're heavy.
Your Friendly Neighborhood Fozzie Man,