I've been on a massive Nostalgia Critic kick today, what can I say?
I'm usually on a NC kick around this time of year, but then again, I love NC, period. AND Chester A. Bum, and... you name it, lol.
I was watching his review of the He-Man Christmas special, and I loved it on so many levels...
(In response to Orko inviting the kids into his ship) "Oh, that would be great, you probably have a cellphone and we can call somebody to come and find us and take us home, oh by the way, WHAT THE **** ARE YOU? !"
HE-MAN: What would make you happy for Christmas, Orko?
NC as ORKO: How about some a pair of ******' legs? And a nose? Or maybe a ******' face, sweet Jesus!
HE-MAN: Oh, Orko.
NC as ORKO: Don't laugh at me, I WILL KILL YOU ALL!
Okay, but as for myself, I didn't SEE anything really weird today, but I HEARD some pretty weird lyrics on the radio today: "I wake up and French kiss the morning"... oh-kay... that's nice mental picture of a lonely man flopping his tongue around as he wakes up.