You know? I've had times like that before where I felt that I should have acted or done something when I didn't. And I felt really badly afterward. So I understand that... It's hard you know?Okay, I saw something REALLY weaird today. When I say weird, I mean creepy-weird. O_O;; I took a bus today, and on the bus there was this woman and this bloke sitting behind her on a different seat. They wern't a couple (you could tell), but the guy kept on kissing and touching the woman... while she just sat there motionless- she looked as though she was gonna burst into tears or something. I was on my own, along with a few older people on the bus, but they all seemed kinda oblivious to it, I think I was the only one who was picking up on certain things. I kept on making eye contact with the woman, sort of seeing if she was okay but she didn't really react or say anything. And as the guy was kissing her on the cheek it also looked like he was saying stuff to her and I briefly saw the woman mouth something like "stop it" (but I could be wrong).
It really freaked me out. I think the dude noticed that I knew that something was up because I couldn't help but look back at him. Anyway, I got off the bus as soon as possible. I honestly did not know what to do... get the number plate of the bus and call the police? I just didn't want to get involved... but the second I got off the bus I felt bad for the woman, and kinda guilty that I didn't do anything.I was literally shaking.
Yeah, that's true. I felt so bad for her, and they clearly wern't a couple (she looked uncomfortable and really scared) and yet I was the only one who picked up on this. I felt as though I should've done something, although I didn't know the whole story and I prolly would've gotten myself into a bit of strife (I know I'm putting myself first, but really- it's the last thing ANYONE needs).You know? I've had times like that before where I felt that I should have acted or done something when I didn't. And I felt really badly afterward. So I understand that... It's hard you know?
Well you know you're a young person, so the best thing to do might be to not become involved seeing as you could possibly be putting your life in danger.Yeah, that's true. I felt so bad for her, and they clearly wern't a couple (she looked uncomfortable and really scared) and yet I was the only one who picked up on this. I felt as though I should've done something, although I didn't know the whole story and I prolly would've gotten myself into a bit of strife (I know I'm putting myself first, but really- it's the last thing ANYONE needs).
Yeah, exactly!Well you know you're a young person, so the best thing to do might be to not become involved seeing as you could possibly be putting your life in danger.
Sometimes the best thing you can do it to tell an older person you know, you know?
One of my friends saw the same thing on the train. He said there was an asian couple, and the guy kept trying to kiss the girl, and she was saying no rather loudly. Yesterday I heard Cher's cover of Walking in Memphis. Now THAT was weird.Yeah, exactly!Just didn't know what to do at the time, sorta weird, y'know?
Ah yes, I saw something weird today: there was a dude on my bus who looked just like The Who's Roger Daltrey (during the "Tommy"/Woodstock era)... I did a double take on him, it was really weird, but cool!
(Psych teacher /still/ reminds me of The Doctor from Dr. Who... O_O;; )
Whoa, that's really weird, what a crazy coincidence!One of my friends saw the same thing on the train. He said there was an asian couple, and the guy kept trying to kiss the girl, and she was saying no rather loudly. Yesterday I heard Cher's cover of Walking in Memphis. Now THAT was weird.