Here's my dosage of weirdness for the day. We went to the grocery store where we can get neat stuff through collecting points. One of the items that was for sale was a bathroom scale.
Of course, after they announced that they had that as one of the prizes, we went and discovered that they were all sold out. The lady at the information said that they were a hot item, but that they would have some more on Thursday.
But, the weirdness of the day happened actually two days ago. My husband and I were listening to 'Car Talk' on National Public Radio (yes we do get that here on Armed Forces Radio), and they said that this woman was angry because her husband forgot their anniversary. She laid down the law and said 'I want something in the garage that goes from zero to 300 in two seconds.' He gave her a bathroom scale.
I always pondered what it was about people not wanting a scale...but could it be that that story and the conveniently sold out bathroom scales are related?
A lot of people in Germany get married at this time of year.
No? Well, it was definitely weird to me.