I have a few others:
-Season 5 of Robot Chicken (Many fans claim it to be the weirdest and most offensive season they've done. I personally find it to be just as awesome at the others)
-The Garfield Show
-The Simpsons crossover with Family Guy (Aside from the Star Wars ones and some of The Cleveland Show episodes, this is the only Family Guy episode that I still really like after quitting the series not too long ago;Stewie's prank call to Moe was a bit uncalled for though, I agree with the critics on that one)
-The Looney Tunes Show (I find it kind of weird that I like this but not Space Jam)
-Clarence (I feel like the show can get a bit weird and awkward at times so this isn't one that I'm particularly proud of watching)
-The asdfmovie videos on YouTube. Again, due to how zany, immature, and sometimes awkward they can be
-Benthelooney on YouTube (I know he has some unusual interests, being a brony and someone who draws suggestive photos on Deviantart. But I think his YouTube work can be really clever and funny at times, especially Daisy and Dexter. They are so cute and make me laugh on a personal laugh because my neighbor has two dogs with the exact same names as the titular dogs from Ben's shorts)
You know how I said most Robot Chicken fans dislike season 5. Actually, I find Season 3 to be the most disturbing and creepy season they've done so far. It still has it's fair share of really good, genius skits but a lot of it really disturbs me and creeps me out as well. I guess they were probably just trying to push it with the dark humor once they realized that's what fans like, but thankfully they stopped going that far once season 4 started. A lot of the show's biggest nightmare fuel moments originated in that season (the only one that didn't is the infamous Sunny Muffins skit) aside from that you'll see some of the most disturbing ones they've ever done if you binge the DVD version from beginning to end. Some of these scenes include a baby taking a bite out of a puppy, Jesus getting whipped and liking it, a group of people looking at an adorable baby who we then found is dead (seriously, who laughs at that?), The Cat in the Hat as a flasher, a kid watching his mom get beheaded right before his eyes, a little boy committing suicide after playing the game Operation, a very twisted take on the obscure children show The Magical Garden, She-Ra brutally attacking every character that comes in her way, and a very hard to watch skit about Helen Keller. The writers even openly admitted that they were sorry about the Helen Keller one, which is a rare occurrence for that show. In fact, the whole episode Celebutard Mountain is pretty much creepy to me all the way through. Within the first few minutes we already see Seth Green brutally murder an innocent person, the creepy puppets from Mr. Rogers (I know their innocent children's characters, but they've always creeped out for some reason), a very uncanny valley depiction of the Devil, a horrifying looking Big Bad Wolf, and two suicide jokes. Yeah, that episode made me feel disturbed and offended rather than happy like most episodes do. But personally, I don't hate season 3 despite all of that. It actually has some of their best moments in there too. Mumm-Ra Doubtfire? You gotta admit, that's pretty clever and let's not forget about such clever, unique parodies as the very punny Sir-Mix-A-Lot skit, Boo-Boo Bear as Rambo, the Sleestaks hanging out at the library, a very ridiculous take on Zelda, a Forrest Gump pun involving anthropomorphic trees and the hilariously off the wall Fraggle Rock one. Any season that references Fraggles is automatically a favorite of mine. If I were talking to someone who'd never seen the show before, I wouldn't discourage them from watching season 3 for that reason. I'd just tell them to prepare themselves for some pretty grotesque stuff every once in a while.