The grand MC exodus begins...


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Originally posted by Amy
No - Don't leave. Us new people have to stay so we can keep alive the legend of those who posted before we came here.
Don't worry I wouldn't leave if you paid me. Well maybe if you paid my. Hmmm.

I do so love posting on Muppet Central because you don't know who people are and they don't know who you are and we can all put our opinians out and get replies and *maybe* change our opinions.

Also I love talking about the muppets all the time. It is so coooooooooool!!!!!!

Well, gtg,
(see none of you have any idea who i am except Beau!!!)


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Just one frogboy's opinion :smile:

I can't believe I'm posting in a thread that I totally don't believe in. I just don't buy this exodus theory, but everyone is entitled to his or her opinion on the matter.

Why do people get so passionate on forums? Well, there are a number of reasons. I object to the idea that everyone who posts online is an introvert or an uber geek. Sure, there are many of those sorts around, but it's not the standard anymore.

It is sometimes difficult to decipher meaning and inflection of posts. In a normal conversation such things could easily be cleared up, but online posts can become long monologs of miscommunication.

Also there is little or no accountability for words and actions. An anarchist's dream. That's why all forums have their troublemakers. Sure, there are moderators around, but that's only to deal with really intense situations. Sometimes there's too much "who said what" type of behavior - and it's easy to get drawn into. There are some busybodies around that crave these situations.

Once things are typed on a page, they kind of solidify in the mind as fact when things may be much different than they appear. It happens with the news all the time. You hear it, you believe it. Some feel the need to take sides etc.

I keep myself in check these days by taking a walk - or run at the gym, do something proactive, consider if the situation is really worth getting involved and whether I will come out of it a better person. It seems to work for me.

Some people will always hold grudges and chase the negative side of things. Such is life. If we try to keep tallies on rights and wrongs - everybody looks miserable. I keep my eye on where my joy is and go for it, share it when possible and hope others do the same. That's really what this place is all about. It's up to the individual, how they handle a situation. It shows character. I'm proud being a part of Muppet Central.

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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It's a book in the Bible and should stay just that. If someone takes something to heart in a forum, ignore it...i have before. No big whoop. Everything is just opinions anyhow, and if someone makes a big stinky then let 'em. Right? No need getting all upset over something on a computer.

Need something to be upset about? There's kids who are close to dying of cancer at St. Jude Hospital here in Memphis, many of them have families who can barely afford to live, much less pay for medical expenses...if you're in need to worry, worry about these children that I see regularly at The Memphis Ronald McDonald House.

So, stop with the petty junk, get happy, stop making big exits and entrances (there's no fanfare for fans), and just have fun and enjoy life, right?

I'll do it if you all will!!



Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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The thing is though, haven't the majority of fans over the years at MC pretty much stuck around through thick and thin ? This definitely wasn't the first time - i'm just not sure how forgiving you expect people to be, especially when they are supposed to be here for something they believe in and respect. At the end of the day it is indeed the individuals choice and they are free to go wherever they like. It seems this place has been extremely quiet of late and i guess thats partly due to the 'exodus' and partly due to a couple of other forums opening focusing on specific areas. I think a network of Muppet sites is good - being the one and only main place for Muppet fans and under the jurisdiction of just one person is what has partly caused a lot of trouble around here so hopefully with more choice emerging things might become more stable in the community in general.

I'm not as proud to be here as i once was - i think the site needs to acknowledge the problems it has and sort them out before it can begin to question why the fans aren't supporting it like they used to.


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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The problems won't be acknowledged, they will continue to be ignored. If that's the case then maybe after numerous other problems and another 4 or 5 years we'll all actually do something about it instead of just talking about it. Or maybe not...

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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I'm still lost as to what the problems are. Normally, I just ignore when posts are made that are negative and move on to the next fun one, so my not paying attention puts me in the dark. :cool:



Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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I am certain that if you send a friendly email to Phillip he'd be happy to answer most of your questions. I make it a habit these days not to pay attention to angry, accusatory or ranting posts and he likely feels the same way. In such situations, it is best to be kind and proactive rather than feed an unnecessary attack where it is clear that most minds are already made up. I think it's great how Phillip has always kept a cool head about things. There can be such an angry mob mentality in forums that can be tough to deal with no matter what the situation. He has never lost his temper or spoken ill about anyone in my presence. I don't think many here have such a track record of patience. I try to stay in a positive state of mind when it comes to things like this. That's the last bit of perspective and guidance I can offer on the issue. Hope it helps. :smile:

I will continue to read your comments. Just have nothing more to say on the matter.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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While it's true a lot of people do feel very frustrated and angry, it's also true IMO that this sites methods and actions have gone a long way over the years to helping them feel this way. I'm not suggesting that Phillip get involved with arguments on the forum, and agree that it wouldn't be proactive at this stage but he is supposed to be running this website for the fans and actions speak louder than words.

I just think positive things could be done to reassure the fans that the site is here for the right reasons and intentions. The whole idea for this site was that people would feel involved and be a part of it. Nowdays things are just placed in front of them - maybe finding out what they want, their opinions and getting them involved in it all would help quite a bit and promote fun and creativity. Above all there needs to be no more hints of anything that even looks like impropriety - if fans don't feel comfortable with a site they won't visit and go elsewhere making the other stuff impossible.

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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I'm just hoping that everyone has chilled out and calmed down whatever the problem ever was.

It's a fun place to be...I have met lots of people at MC Forums over the years that I like, and some (names) I consider to be my friends.

Will it make everything better for everybody if I say that I love you all?

I hope so.

I don't like for people to be sad or upset.

So, here I go:


Maybe that will heal everything. I hope.
