Holy Abomination Batman!
Originally posted by *Warrick*
Henson wouldnt let them use Kermit, So they used a toy Kermit with EMTV's Permission.
Um, I dont want to say my respect for JHC's business decisions are going down hill...but um...they wouldnt let them use Kermit, BUT they'll let Kermit be represented by a freaking store bought puppet? Dont they know idiots over there will think *that is* Kermit?
From the country that brought you fascism and David Hasslehoff cult worship comes the biggest abomination to the Muppets since that ill fated back stabbing by Nascar.
I dont even know what to say...JHC would not only let a toy puppet be used to represent Kermit, but would allow the biggest grotesque freakishly Dhali-esqe representation of the Muppets be produced???!?!?!??!?!?!
WHY in the H*** would the UK and elsewhere get the good looking ones, and Germany get the horrific abomination ones?
I mean I know theyre like the only country to dub over every American tv and movie, but whats up with this?
first EM.TV, now this...Im not too sure about any future JHC relations with German related things.