I'm really beginning to hate commercial breaks. It's like BBC America ups the number of them during Doctor Who and they break almost every single time something exciting happens! You don't need that many commercials to pad 45 minutes to an hour!
I feel better, now. Rant over.
On the subject of Journey to the Centre of the Tardis, it felt like the cliff-notes version of a two-parter. They rushed to set everything up in the first half, so they could rush to reveal it in the second. Then, they rush through the twists and explinations at an alarming rate and rush on to the next scene. Couple that with all the rushing around the characters were doing and you end up with an episode that feels...well, rushed.
It was like watching that Special Edition re-edit of Planet of Fire. You know there's more to the story, but you're not going to get it. Except in this case, there isn't an uncollapsed version.
Not that I thought it was bad. I was just dizzy by the time it ended.