The (De)Evolution of Fozzie


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Hey gang,
I've just been thinking about this, for a little while, and thought I'd bring it up to hear others' opinions. I know, in general, the Muppet productions have gone down in quality, after Jim's passing, but certain things seem like pushing it. For instance, the changes in the character of Fozzie Bear. When he once was a big second banana only to Kermit, telling cheesy, yet witty, jokes, and always playing a major part of the Muppets as a group, to an absolutely inept dimwit.

I feel like this is just an unneccessary change, and certainly not for the better. Maybe he was silly or goofy, or whatever, in the past, but now he's become plain stupid. Just an idiot to laugh at. For instance, in MTI, the whole Mr. Bimbo thing, and sailing on the "big, blue, wet thing". Also, in MFS, the whole washing his hands because of what his mom said, and being revealed to be picking his nose. Seriously, this is really base-level, lowbrow humor, while the Muppets have always been very based in witty ideas and characterizations.

I know Frank has been less involved, but still did the voice, for a while, at least. Where have the writers come up with such stuff? It seems really pandering, and insulting to the audience, or at least those above 13. The Muppets have been something kids can appreciate, but you realize upon rewatching when you're older, that they're all the better than you remembered them. Even simple Ernie and Bert skits. I am really just dismayed by this particular unfortunate change for a once-great character. I also don't particularly like the most recent puppet likeness, but that's easier to accept. Homer Simpson may have gotten funnier, as he became morer dumb, but the concept does not hold throughout all examples of comedy. Just my take on things.


Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Well, for one thing, with just Frank doing the dubbing and reading from script, it's hard to get the initial smoothness they once had when everyone was on set performing together and adlibbing. I felt that they had recaptured Fozzie in VMX in 2002, but in scenes before then--when it was all dubbed in--it wasn't quite as much what I expected from a Fozzie.

There for a bit, though, I thought it was going to be a thread about how he visually changed. He didn't look as happy originally, the sides of his mouth was animated (to smile or frown), his ears wiggled, he eyebrows, he doesn't have ANY of those features.

But, he has always been able to drive, so that's something.

back on topic, though, I feel it was due to voice dubbed performances rather than on-set acting, and writing (what WERE they thinking??).


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2002
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I liked the whole "sailing for adventure on the big blue wet thing". That wasn't Fozzie. That was Fozzie playing a character. MFS is a bit different though. I liked the washing of the hands gag (I think I'd wash my hands after using the bathroom too, even if I had inviso spray on). But the reason he did it was stupid. It would be better if he said, "Not wash my hands? That's disgusting!" or something more intelligent.

In AVMMC Fozzie was way in character. I loved the scene with the lasers. He wasn't stupid in that movie. He was smart enough to trick the fake croc hunter and the angry mob. Definatly showed wit. Plus his badjoke telling was back. And if you watched the short interview with Fozzie during the NBC blooper special awhile back you would have seen some great adlibing too. Fozzie seems to be back and I think it's a combination of better writers and a live performer who can suggest changes on the spot.

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Yeah, it sounded too preachy in MFS "Mama always says: Wash your hands..." I agree with your sentence, though I don't think disgusting would work. Need a funnier word, or have him start talking about it and Pepe kick in.
:embarrassed: "Not wash my hands?! You're kiddin' me!"
:rolleyes: "I never wash my hands, okay."
:smile: "That's disgusting! Sometimes you work around our food!"
:rolleyes: "M-yeah!" starts laughing.
All: Ew, yuck.

Super Scooter

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Dec 17, 2002
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Fozzie Bear said:
There for a bit, though, I thought it was going to be a thread about how he visually changed. He didn't look as happy originally, the sides of his mouth was animated (to smile or frown), his ears wiggled, he eyebrows, he doesn't have ANY of those features.
The puppet used where his mouth could smile or frown was only used twice during The Muppet Show's 5 season run, and in only 2 scenes, nontheless. Once in the episode guest starring Juliet Prowse during the cowboy sketch ("Does this sound like John Wayne?") and again during the episode guest starring Connie Stevens where he, Kermit, and Connie sing "Close to You." The smiling/frowning Fozzie puppet had flat eyes, and smaller pupils than the puppet usually used.

The ears wiggling thing seemed to last almost the whole show. I remember seeing it in the second and third seasons, but mostly just in the first season.

Back on track, I'd have to agree with Kevn here. It's most likely due to the lack of on-set adjustments. I remember reading somewhere on Muppet Central that Frank Oz wasn't very happy about the Mr. Bimbo thing at all, but grew to tolerate it and eventually felt it was pretty funny.

I personally loved the whole Mr. Bimbo bit, but I agree, it wasn't very fair to poor Fozzie at all. If they were going to do it to him, they could have at least given him some other scene where he showed his intelligence.

Of course, Mr. Bimbo was an actual character in Treasure Island, and I guess they just couldn't find a place to put him.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2002
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It would have been funny if Fozzie had a scene where he questions the whole Mr. Bimbo thing.

"I have a man that lives in myfinger? Well, a job's a job."

Anything to show he didn't really believe this.

AndyWan Kenobi

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Feb 27, 2003
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WiGgY said:
In AVMMC Fozzie was way in character. I loved the scene with the lasers. He wasn't stupid in that movie. He was smart enough to trick the fake croc hunter and the angry mob. Definatly showed wit. Plus his badjoke telling was back. And if you watched the short interview with Fozzie during the NBC blooper special awhile back you would have seen some great adlibing too. Fozzie seems to be back and I think it's a combination of better writers and a live performer who can suggest changes on the spot.
There was a great line in the Fozzie interview in the bonus features for that movie. He was talking about how comedy is his life. He goes on to say "If I can make just one person laugh . . . (resigned) I'd be so happy." Hilarious! I was sure he was going to say "it's all worth it" or something equally typical of such a statement. Instead, he got all desperate and frustrated, typical of our favorite struggling comedian. Classic.

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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WiGgY said:
It would have been funny if Fozzie had a scene where he questions the whole Mr. Bimbo thing. "I have a man that lives in myfinger? Well, a job's a job."
Now THAT'S funn-ee!!!!

(..."I'd be so happy...") That's a great line, too!! Glad they used it!


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2002
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Yeah, I loved that line as well. During the NBC thing they asked him what he calls flubs since there are so many names for them. He said "I call hem Harold.". He was so serious when he said it. It was so funny. One of those things that makes you laugh out loud when you hear it. Eric Jacobson really has that character down. Fozzie won't be stupid anymore.

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Let's hope Eric has some say-so then when the writers start taking hold of him again. I really like the direction Fozzie, Piggy, and others have been going in since new performers came along.