The dark day of Valentines Day is upon us...


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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Happy Valentine's Day, everybody! I'm waiting to see my best friend, we'll probably do something later.
Well as of tonight, that best friend and I are split up. And I'll probably have to throw the V-day gift I was going to give him into the garbage. Not just a boyfriend but one of the closest friends I've ever had. Apart from my parents, he was the only person in this world I felt truly comfortable with. By all rights we should have spent the rest of our lives together, but he blew it. And it's not like I have a million other possibilities lined up.

Just trying very hard right now not to go gentle into that good night.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2011
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Well as of tonight, that best friend and I are split up. And I'll probably have to throw the V-day gift I was going to give him into the garbage. Not just a boyfriend but one of the closest friends I've ever had. Apart from my parents, he was the only person in this world I felt truly comfortable with. By all rights we should have spent the rest of our lives together, but he blew it. And it's not like I have a million other possibilities lined up.

Just trying very hard right now not to go gentle into that good night.
I'm sorry for your loss of a friendship, it's hard when someone you put a lot of time and emotional investment can't return that to you. I understand your anger and sadness, and I hope that time will begin to heal the wounds you're feeling.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2004
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Well as of tonight, that best friend and I are split up. And I'll probably have to throw the V-day gift I was going to give him into the garbage. Not just a boyfriend but one of the closest friends I've ever had. Apart from my parents, he was the only person in this world I felt truly comfortable with. By all rights we should have spent the rest of our lives together, but he blew it. And it's not like I have a million other possibilities lined up.

Just trying very hard right now not to go gentle into that good night.
If it's any consolation, there are a number of us here that care. No matter what you go through, you don't have to go through it alone.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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Doesn't help when my family thinks comforting me means saying, "Look, not everyone gets married." I swear my family is utterly tone deaf. Or that old gem, "It's better to be alone than with the wrong person." Maybe both options kinda suck, did that ever occur to them? Certainly occurred to me.

Doesn't help that during the worst years of childhood bullying, my parents would go overboard reassuring me things would get better. Kinda got my hopes up there for awhile.

It's only Wednesday and I'm glad the week is almost over. Not sure why though, as now that my friend is gone, I'll likely have nothing planned for the weekend. Yeah things are just awesome...

Distracting myself is out of the question. Why does every pop song have to be about love exactly? And why does every movie I like have to be a buddy comedy?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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I don't know if I'll even be celebrating this year or not: I'll have to wait and see, I guess . . . but I kind of have a feeling I'll resign to humbugging it out again this year. Last year was the first in a loooong time I actually had a reason to celebrate V-Day.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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I hate to say it, and I know this is a really cliche thing, but for me this year, it's . . . "complicated."


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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At the risk of being that guy, ehhh... I've moved past the whole "grrrrr I hate Valentines Day" bit years ago. I mean, if your life is that messed up (mine sure is) parceling it to one day doesn't really make much sense to me. I mean, if you're going to feel lonely, then there's plenty of other times to feel bad for better reasons than being alone on a holiday like that. Frankly, I feel much more depressed about Halloween as of late.

I still like buying the little paper boxed Valentines even though they usually wind up cracking open and getting lost and me having to throw them out anyway. The candy may not be half as good as the subsequent holiday, but candy's candy. Doesn't matter if no one's buying it for you.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Well I couldn't get my "potential" (if I can even say that) Valentine to talk to me tonight when trying to offer up moral support for a lot of misfortunes she's been having lately, and V-Day's only a week away now, so things aren't looking too well in my favor at the moment.