*we prepare our breakfast before eating it and drinking some blood*
*feed Figaro*
I need to do some shopping, Johnny. If you need anything, just telepathy me
*turn human and leave the house*
*walk to the art supply store to buy a new sketch-pad and other supplies*
*then go to the mall to do some shopping there; walk past Edea after I'm done but don't notice her*
Edea: "Yuna?"
*turn around and see her*
Oh hello, Edea
Edea: "How are you doing? Are you excited for your wedding?"
Oh yes, I can hardly wait =D
And how are you and Cid?
Edea: "We're fine. How about you come to our hours for a nice cup of tea?"
I'd like to
*leave the mall with Edea and we get in her car; she drives to her house with me*