*starts having a dream*
*sees himself as a young bat demon, whimpering and his mother holding him, trying to comfort him. They are in a bedroom somewhere*
Mommy, I'm scared. Why are they attacking us? Where's Daddy? Where's Jake?
Jessica: Daddy is outside trying to find anyone who needs help. He'll be ok. I....don't know where Jake is. I have to go outside and help look...
*he clings tighter* DON'T LEAVE ME!
Jessica: I have to. You will be safe here. They can't get you.
*he just cries* DON'T LEAVE ME!
*Jessica sighs* How about I give you my bracelet. That way I will still be here with you.
*he looks at his mother with big, sad, naturally green eyes*
*Jessica gives him her bracelet* I will be fine. Just go to sleep, ok?
*he whimpers*
*Jessica hugs him and licks his head*
*Jessica flies off*
*he sits on the bed and wraps himself in his wings and tail and whimpers, cuddling his stuffed kitty*
*twitches in sleep and makes some sad sounding noises*