Who is this?
*shocked to hear a response*
Johnny who?
***Your brother***
*long pause*
Is this some kind of sick joke? My brother is dead. Listen. Whoever you are, leave me alone. Are you a hybrid? Bah...typical. Trying to mess with your emotions to make you weak...then they kill you.
***I'm not dead...please...you are the only family I have left...***
Oh really? How come you never contacted me before, "brother?"
***My memory was erased. I only learned I had a brother yesterday...and my sister...she died trying to save a city from witches...trapped in stone...***
Why can't you hybrids leave me alone? I thought you all died months ago...but nooooo....now there's another one of you out there. Well you know what you can do?......
O_O *is shocked listening to how bitter and crude the rant is*