That's it.
*turns into werewolf form, and rips apart chicken with teeth*
*turns back into human form, jumps up on top of counter*
Hello friends. We are gathered here today to honor a good chicken and friend, Gregory. Gregory was with us in good times and bad, saving times and killing times, funny times and boring times, even though we only knew him for a few short minutes.
He has become a lifelong friend to all of us, and through this hard time, we must remember that we will be reunited with him again when we die, some of us sooner than others.
*bursts into tears*
Gregory, may you rest in peace, and have a wonderful time in heaven, or wherever chickens go. We will remember you always. You will be gone, but not forgotten in this world. May you be granted eternal rest in peace forever. Amen.
*runs around the kitchen*
Oh when the saints, go marching in,
Oh when the saints go marching in,
Oh Lord, I want to be in that number,
When the saints go marching in.
Rest in peace, sir Gregory! You will be missed.