The Chipmunks' Triumphant Return


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
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Most adults would do unspeakable things to do what she does for a living too. Especially if they plunked down a crap load of money they still owe for art school to get a cartoon show rolling...
Sure! Sing, dance, do what ever they ask you to do. The crazy part is she is trying to break the and "blow over 'the people who made her and try to legitimize herself outside of the Disney machine. She expects fans to follow suit.

I'm glad nobody complains about me and MY southern accent. :halo:
Well, we can't really hear it either.:stick_out_tongue: :wink:


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I'm really hoping this Miley thing is a rumor. She shouldn't play a Chippete at all. I mean, it's bad enough they don't let Ross and Janice can't do their character voices, like they have been doing since the 80's... now they have to bookend her into something so she can have another joyless cash grab?

I guess she does have experiance the chipmunks share. She's a fictitious character made by Billy Ray. Wocka Wocka.

But enough unpleasantness.

I cannot wait for that "Alvin" collection. Hopefully it will be a step in releasing other classic episodes. I'm itchin' ta see the one with Mr. T again.