Toned down to a point. At the beginning they were more fan-girly if anything. They DID get diva-ish at a certain point in the movie. But she was mad at Alvin for a good part of the film. That I ALWAYS remembered. That never changed.
Well... lover's frustration is more like it.Who WOULDN'T be mad at Alvin? I mean, he's a little red-capped jerk-wad butt-faced twerp! It's a wonder he's never drove Dave to the point of suicide... or at least putting him back up for adoption.
I never really cared much for the whole CGI half breeding of realism and cartoonism. Unfortunately they're going the Garfield route as far as merchandise goes, and not the Scooby-Doo route... the former being movie likeness, the latter the classic cartoon likeness. I can't say I really like their movie likenesses all that much, and I still wonder why they decided to go for looking like the original album art but with their 60's-90's clothes... especially since the 60's-90's character designs are the most used up until this point.Now I gotta wonder... since there's going to be ANOTHER movie, and since the official Chipmunks website has FINALLY been updated recently, does this mean that this will be the characters' permanent new look? Not THAT much of a bother I guess, but if you ask me, this move is like if we suddenly made Mickey, Donald and Goofy look like a real mouse, duck and dog.
I saw those in stores this past Christmas, but I wasn't sure how old they were, or how long they'd been around.I saw this singing Alvin that sings the Christmas song that looked like the 90's version either last or 2 Christmases ago. Didn't actually want to buy it, but something like that without a singing mechanism.
I'm not sure about Theodore... I think it might because he's the young, innocent, naive one, and it seems like often times, people grow tired of that after a while, because you can really only push innocence and naivete so far before it's not even really funny anymore. At least that's what I've heard from some M*A*S*Hers who actually found Radar annoying after a while.So nice to hear somebody else has the same feelings about them, Snowth! They're so underrated, and usually they're treated like the extras in the group... boy, I really want to see the Squeakquel now!![]()