I recently discovered this cereal and decided to give it a whirl. . . .
Seems like it'd be a fantastic cereal, but right off of the bat, something is wrong when you open the box and get a big whiff of . . . butter. Right, this stuff smells like
butter. And if it smells like better, what does th mean it tastes like? Well, it sure doesn't taste like glazed chocolate doughnut holes . . . matter of fact, it doesn't even taste like any kind of doughnuts whatsoever; it tastes more like kettle corn. I'm sure being a corn-based cereal accounts for such a taste, but even so, there's been plenty of corn-based cereals that manage to successfully replicate the actual taste of chocolate, such as Cocoa Puffs or chocolate Frosted Flakes; this one does not. Won't be buying this again.