I am concerned about the barbaric homophobic practices in other countries, but I'm going to primarily focus on the oppressed people here first. Much of that oppression is coming from a very strong, popular wing of the Christian conservative platform. I can do more in my own community to prevent suicides and loss of essential services than I can about someone being attacked half-way around the world. It doesn't make that less important or less tragic. We do what we can where we are.
Im with you. The GOP right wingers talked Uganda into killing gays through several years of meetings, but it's like we have to focus on America first. Thankfully the tide is turning in polls and in actionable maneuvering for gay rights even as a toxic and virulent right wing agenda manifests itself every day. Like Michelle Bachman's 'new deal'. They talk about Sharia Law? They are Sharia Law!
These nuts are against sex ed, birth control, Mexicans, immigrants, gay rights, multi-culturalism, etc. They'd say they hate minorities too if they were allowed too.
I did some research and saw a special on the rate of suicides, suicide attempts and extreme alienation amongst gay and gender queer youth in Utah as well as from Mormon families. Absolutely appalling. There's even gay teens living homeless under freeway passes and abandoned areas just to get away with the fascist Utah laws and beliefs. I really do not have much respect for the Mormon/LDS faith when they bring their money into my state and brainwash otherwise good people into stripping already legal rights. I mean, why is glenn beck and mitt romney so big with mainline Christians? Believing that God and Christ have relations with women on planets and all this deplorably false perverted teachings even to I as a non Christian is a joke. YET, the Mormons are the most hardcore conservative people in America, they have no business passing judgements on "lifestyles".
I applaud the media for the spotlight on Bullying, but more needs to be done.