Personally I refuse to watch any 2 and a Half Men WITH Charlie Sheen. Not that I'm watching it now either, lol.
I refuse to believe that they shouldn't have ended it this year
ANYWAY! I mean, it was REALLY getting stale, and it looked like they were in a nice position to end the thing. But it was CBS's higher rated shows... Personally, I wanted to see it removed from the schedule and have Big bang Theory in its place. That way I could actually watch Community!
But the show I REALLY hate is Rules of Engagement. Now, I THOUGHT I would like a show with Kronk AND Kuzco from Emperor's New Groove in it... heck, I thought I would love a show with Patrick Warburton in it. But he seems to be having NO fun doing the show, he has no funny lines or a funny role. it's disappointing, and I wish that got cancelled instead of $#*! My Dad Says (because I was really starting to like that one).
Back on topic, 30 Rock is one of my favorite shows now (It took some getting into, the Sesame Street AM cameo episode sold me), and I hate the fact that this is happening to them. I mean, there are SOOOO many more shows on television more deserving of a homophobic tirade threatening a main star and the show itself out there (but Better with You got cancelled anyway

). This is not going to end well. Again, they have to chose between keeping someone who said something stupid (again, why isn't anyone saying anything about Chuck Norris? At least stop buying the T-Shirts, the Meme isn't funny anymore and hasn't been for 2 years) which will hurt the ratings, and ejecting someone from the show which will hurt the ratings as well.
I say, EMBRACE IT! Keep the controversy. You have brilliant story potential in this. I mean, the character did have an episode in which he became incredibly respected for having multiple awards, adding heat over an anti-gay tirade has limitless story potential. I say, they should have a viewer vote to keep him on or let him stay.