Personally, I like Van Neuter, but he replaced Bunsen and Beaker in stead of complimenting them.
He's kinda like Digit: a cross between Bunsen and Beaker. Digit leaned more toward the "I wanna sing and dance" Beaker and Van Neuter leaned more toward Bunsen "I'd lose my license if this were real" Honeydew.
Clifford’s fine, but he edged out Kermit and that just makes people uncomfortable.
That never bothered me too much. Didn't Kermit let Scooter and Fozzie run things sometimes on TMS? I guess making the "cool" guy the host would've been done similarly had he handed the reigns to Floyd, though. Still, I like Clash characters overall.
I'm not going to list the WORST Muppets, but this would be my list of Muppets "with potential", not in any particular order:
Annie Sue (or Miss Mousey): It's a crying shame they didn't milk the possible love triangles more. While love triangles fit more with Mousey than Annie, the fact is Piggy still viewed them as rivals. Both of them could have teamed up and knocked Piggy off her little pedestal.

You should also be able to be a female character in the Muppets without being compared to Piggy though. They were, well, mousey in front of Piggy, like only she deserved to have ambitions or goals. As much as I admire Piggy in terms of being a role model for the non-anorexic crowd, the other females should have been allowed to shine a bit more. Mousey and Annie got their own numbers, and Annie even seems more memorable, they just seemed tossed away when the writers/performers got bored.
The JHH-specific members: Yes, I know it was canceled. However, I still think that it might not have been had a wee bit more effort been put into the characters and the concept. The Muppets Tonight show suffered a similar issue. JHH wanted to split Muppets with Storyteller. I'm sure it made sense to Jim, but maybe it would have been better to have two shows instead. You get the impression that the show is more of a "hey, look what I can do" thing instead of a "I've got some great new characters for you to enjoy" thing. It suffers the same "I wanna do new stuff but everyone keeps wanting The Muppet Show" problem as Muppets Tonight. The Storyteller was "new", with great stories and memorable creatures. Muppet Central should have been similar. Instead of making a variety show for TV, which was getting less and less relevant, why not devote shows to parody certain shows of the time? The episode I liked best was the Ratings one, but I guess it's because it's the most obvious bridge between TMS humor and Dinosaurs humor, which was heavy on multimedia gags. Wasn't Muppets Tonight, which I concede I didn't watch that often, better when they finally broke from the formula?
That's all I can think of at the moment.