Honestly, big fan I am, I couldn't even think of 10 Muppets I disliked enough to say worst. I had to combine them with SS characters. I would have listed Fleet Scribbler, but, frankly, I just got TMS season 3 this year (I'm POOR! We all should know that by now) and I haven't gotten to an episode that really features him yet. It is a general consensus that he's a terrible character, but it wouldn't be fair to not rewatch episodes with him first. After all, it was YEARS since I've seen actual episodes of TMS before the DVD releases.Some of his choices have that *** factor in them and i think its because of his limited knowledge of the Muppets - once he committed himself to the concept, it reads like "um...oh boy...now i have to come up WITH ten Muppets for the list". If you can think of about 50 Muppets off the top of your head, you're likely to have a weaker list than fans that can think of thousands.
Uh... nice rebuttal on Bunsen's part but... snicker.. you kinda spelt his name wrong!Bunson - the author cites that Bunson doesn't work because he's nothing without Beaker. But while Muppet Labs really took off in season two, Bunson was far from a flat straight man - there's this marvelous wild quirkiness to Bunson that always makes him a treat to watch (even in those first season appearances) There's this underlying kinkiness to him from the feel of a softened dish setting him all a quiver to his tsstsstss laugh to his burning desire to twiddle Phil Van Neuter's ears that just captures my heart whether he's with Beaker or not. It may be funny seeing Beaker suffer all manner of physical indignity but Bunson's reactions alternating between concern, amusement, or indifference are often what sells them.

Oddly enough, I was going to state that so far, I liked Wayne without Wanda. She was holding the gag back.