Super Grover Meets the Pajanimals


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2007
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This is something I've been wanting to do for a while now:

ANNOUNCER: Stronger than a speeding bullet, furrier than a powerful locomotive, and able to leap tall sandwiches in a single bound! It's the adventures of that furry superhero, Super Grover!

(fanfare plays, Grover crashes through logo)

SUPER GROVER: And I am cute, too.

(takes off into the sky)

ANNOUNCER: Once again, our cute, furry hero takes off into the skies, looking for signs of trouble all over Metro City, Sesame Street, and the rest of the world.

(Cut to a shot of the Pajanimals' house. We hear "La-La-Lullaby" playing in the background.)

APOLLO: (singing) The Earth is spinning, slowly spinning...

SWEETPEA SUE: (singing) The stars and moon now fill the sky...

SQUACKY: (singing) Magic glows, the night's beginning...

COW BELLA: (singing) So sing a la-la-lullaby...

(cut back to Super Grover)

SUPER GROVER: (sighs) Isn't it great being the most lovable superhero in the skies? (hears the Pajanimals singing) Oh no! There's trouble afoot! Super Grover to the rescue! (flies down, heading straight into their house)

PAJANIMALS: (singing) La-la-lullaby, la-la-lullaby...

APOLLO: (singing, later turns to screaming) Sing, sing, to myself, a la-la-LULLABYYYYYY! (He sees Super Grover heading straight for him)

SUPER GROVER: AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH! (crashes into house, lands on Apollo) (breathes sigh of relief) Have no fear! I will save you from that awful noise!

SQUACKY: Who are you, mysterious stranger?

SUPER GROVER: I am Sup... Grover, and I am hear to make sure that awful noise goes away.

SWEETPEA SUE: Uh, do y'all mean our singin'? 'Cause we're about ready for beddy-bye.

COW BELLA: Migliorate per non ottenere la pelliccia sulla mia base!

SUPER GROVER: What'd she say?

SQUACKY: She says she doesn't want to see fur on her bed. She's quite elegant, you know. And she's Italian...

APOLLO: (groans, recovers from accident) Hey, I know you! You're that monster I see on TV!

SUPER GROVER: Correct, stranger. I am Sup... Grover! Who are you, cute little doggie?

APOLLO: My name's Apollo, and we're the Pajanimals. This is my friend, Squacky the duck...

SQUACKY: Hello! (quacks)

APOLLO: My horse-in-training, Sweetpea Sue...

SWEETPEA SUE: Howdy, Mr. Grover! You sure look mighty cute.

APOLLO: And our elegant Italian bovine, Cow Bella.

COW BELLA: Ciao bello! That's-a mean "hello, beautiful". (gives Super Grover a kiss)

SUPER GROVER: (Sighs, then faints for a bit. His face even turns red) You're quite the cute farm animal, aren't you?

(Later, Apollo takes Grover on a tour of their house, starting at their bedroom, and ending at the bathroom, where we see Squacky taking a bath with his rubber ducky.)

SUPER GROVER: Have no fear, Mr. Ducky! Ernie will see you again! (attempts to grab Squacky's toy)

SQUACKY: Stop! This is my special toy! Mom gave it to me for my birthday, and I don't want to lose him! (cries for a bit)

SUPER GROVER: Oh! I am so sorry. (to himself) I wonder if he's going to sing about it...

("Rubber Ducky" begins to play)

SUPER GROVER: (to himself) Do I sense copyright infringement?

SQUACKY: (singing) Rubber ducky, you're the one, you make bathtime lots of fun. Rubber ducky, I'm awfully fond of you! Voh-voh-voh-dee-oh! Rubber ducky, joy of joys. When I squeeze you, you make noise. Rubber ducky, you're my very best friend, it's true!

(The music gets interrupted as Sweetpea Sue and Cow Bella arrive to tell Apollo and Squacky that it's bedtime.)

APOLLO: Aw... but we were having so much fun, Sue!

SWEETPEA SUE: Sorry, Apollo, but Ma sent us to remind you that it's bedtime.

SQUACKY: But I wanted to sing about my rubber ducky!

COW BELLA: Ora, ottenga un certo sonno fino a it' tempo di mattina di s! (This time, English-translated text appears on screen, and Grover looks at the words.)

SUPER GROVER: Guess that means it's time to go. Happy sleeping everybody. Super Grover, awaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyy! (He crashes through the roof of the Pajanimals' bedroom)

PAJANIMALS: Good-bye, Super Grover! Bye! Arrivederci!

COW BELLA: (looks up) He's a wonderful cute-a little monster-a... (sighs dreamily)

APOLLO: Will we ever see him again?

SWEETPEA SUE: I sure hope so, lil' Apollo! Nighty-night, Apollo.

APOLLO: Good night, Sweetpea Sue. Good night Squacky.

SQUACKY: Good night, Apollo. Good night, Cow Bella.

COW BELLA: Buona notte, Squacky. Buona notte, Susie!

SWEETPEA SUE: Nighty-night, Cow Bella. (Then, they fall asleep, as the tail end of "La-la-lullaby" plays.)

(We cut back to Grover flying in the night sky)

SUPER GROVER: I feel happier and cuter to have helped out those little farm critters. And I've got to get sleep too. I have that promotion at Charlie's tomorrow! See you soon, everybody.

(The fanfare plays.)

What do you think? (Also, if Sesame Workshop were to gain the rights to Pajanimals from 4Kids, would they be good SS characters, too?)