Steve Whitmire has left the Muppets, Matt Vogel to continue as Kermit


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2005
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Not necessarily; JHC has nothing to do with the Classic Muppets anymore, so they wouldn't have any say in this, just like they had nothing to do or say with the two new movies or the ABC series.
You would think there would be a small clause in the deal stating that the family of Henson would approve such changes given that it is Jim Henson's legacy, right ?


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2013
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I knew it. Deep down I knew something was seriously wrong.

"I just want you all to know that I am sorry if I have disappointed any of you at any point throughout our journey, and to let everyone know that I am devastated to have failed in my duty to my hero."

Steve does not deserve to feel this away. He has come too froggin' far, worked to froggin hard and poured his froggin heart into everything he did for The Muppets. This statement, more than anything, makes me infuriated.

What is done is done, and I doubt Disney will reverse their decision, but I hope they realise the consequences of what they done. I, for one, have lost my faith in The Muppets Studio. They don't want what is best for The Muppets.

And in case any of you are doubting the legitimacy of Steve's blog, Kirk Thatcher has confirmed it is indeed Steve.

Duke Remington

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Mar 18, 2010
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I knew it. Deep down I knew something was seriously wrong.

"I just want you all to know that I am sorry if I have disappointed any of you at any point throughout our journey, and to let everyone know that I am devastated to have failed in my duty to my hero."

Steve does not deserve to feel this away. He has come too froggin' far, worked to froggin hard and poured his froggin heart into everything he did for The Muppets. This statement, more than anything, makes me infuriated.

What is done is done, and I doubt Disney will reverse their decision, but I hope they realise the consequences of what they done. I, for one, have lost my faith in The Muppets Studio. They don't want what is best for The Muppets.

And in case any of you are doubting the legitimacy of Steve's blog, Kirk Thatcher has confirmed it is indeed Steve.
The Muppets Studio DOES want what's best for the Muppets, no matter what! You and others are only saying such irrational things out of mere knee jerk reactions and not knowing the whole story. :mad:


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2013
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The Muppets Studio DOES want what's best for the Muppets, no matter what! You and others are only saying such irrational things out of mere knee jerk reactions and not knowing the whole story. :mad:
I'm not going to apologise for feeling this way. They had a perfectly healthy, talented, enthusiastic puppeteer with a fountain of Muppet knowledge at his disposal and they kicked him out the door. They didn't even have the common decency to set up a proper meeting to see if they could resolve any issues they had.


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2002
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The Muppets Studio DOES want what's best for the Muppets, no matter what! You and others are only saying such irrational things out of mere knee jerk reactions and not knowing the whole story. :mad:
Man, what is your deal, dude?

What this feels like is Disney wanting an even tighter control over the Muppet characters than they already have. And perhaps it's easier to do that when the staff of Muppeteers you're employing don't have the clout a 27 year Kermit performer and 40 year Muppet veteran like Steve does.

As Kermit, Steve Whitmere has been THE face of the Muppets for almost three decades. Couldn't it be possible that Disney doesn't WANT him to have that much power and instead maybe they want someone performing the character who they can excerise a lot more control over?

Who knows...