Matt's voice for the Count honestly doesn't bother me, and in fact, none of the voices he does for Jerry's characters bother me; I agree with JD, the voice may not be the same, but the passion is still there. But like I said, replacement puppeteers are never going to sound exactly like their predessessors, mainly because everybody has their own unique voice, and we have to remember that while the characters may live forever, the performers, sadly, don't. And capturing the passion and the personality of the characters is what really counts, because if it's just a straight up impression/imitation of the previous performer, it doesn't work: as I said, I honestly can't imagine what Telly or Snuffy would be like today if Marty stuck to doing imitations of Brian's Telly and Jerry's Snuffy like he did when he took over the characters. As much as I love FTB, it seems rather awkward to hear Telly with a softer and whinier voice and Snuffy with a quieter, slower, and depressed voice, because they lacked the range of emotion Marty brought to them . . . I mean, can you imagine, say pre-90s Snuffy doing an upbeat and catchy number like "Bubble on My Snuffle," or pre-90s Telly flying into fits of spastic panic?