Steve Whitmire has left the Muppets, Matt Vogel to continue as Kermit


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Jul 27, 2003
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That's what's making me confused about the whole thing. When I told my family about this debacle, my dad began to wonder if Disney is paying the Hensons to say what they've been saying. Keep in mind this is speculation, and we (my family and I, that is) don't know if that's really the case, so please don't jump down my throat. I'm just trying to look at this from every possible angle, and every possible situation.
The Hensons are decent people. I don’t believe they would ever do that. I think some people are reading too much into this. It was basically creative and artistic differences. Naturally, the one who was dismissed is going to see things differently than the ones who let him go. Still, Steve’s termination may not be a done deal. Who knows?

Randall Flagg

Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2003
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That's what's making me confused about the whole thing. When I told my family about this debacle, my dad began to wonder if Disney is paying the Hensons to say what they've been saying. Keep in mind this is speculation, and we (my family and I, that is) don't know if that's really the case, so please don't jump down my throat. I'm just trying to look at this from every possible angle, and every possible situation.
Seems unlikely to me.
What I think is more likely (again, pure speculation on my part) is that the Henson kids didn't get along well with Steve for quite a while, but they kept quiet because he was still employed by the Muppets/Disney, and there was no upside to saying anything. But then Steve was fired, and they were probably glad about that, and they may have continued to keep quiet, but when they saw the public reacting negatively against Disney for firing him, they felt the need to speak up and basically say, "Hey, wait a second, this guy wasn't the saint you're describing!"

But again, that's 100% speculation on my part, and could be entirely wrong. But to me, it seems more likely than Disney paying the Hensons to badmouth somebody.


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2016
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Paying the Henson family for bad press? Really? That's the conspiracy y'all got?
Who said anything about conspiracy? It's just a speculation. I don't really think so, I'm just trying to look at all the possible angles. It's not impossible, you know. It's not likely, either. Just a thought.


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2002
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Seems unlikely to me.
What I think is more likely (again, pure speculation on my part) is that the Henson kids didn't get along well with Steve for quite a while, but they kept quiet because he was still employed by the Muppets/Disney, and there was no upside to saying anything. But then Steve was fired, and they were probably glad about that, and they may have continued to keep quiet, but when they saw the public reacting negatively against Disney for firing him, they felt the need to speak up and basically say, "Hey, wait a second, this guy wasn't the saint you're describing!"

But again, that's 100% speculation on my part, and could be entirely wrong. But to me, it seems more likely than Disney paying the Hensons to badmouth somebody.
It's speculation, but your probably closer to the truth than anyone saying the Henson are lying or are being paid off.

Personally, I feel very strongly that Whitmire did a very good job early on of putting himself out there in such a way that he wrapped a good chunk of Muppet fandom around his little finger, and no matter what happens from this point on Disney and the Henson's will always look bad in a lot of people's eyes, even if everything they're saying is 100% true.


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2016
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Do you really believe that three of Henson's kids, the Disney Company and a few others who knew Whitmire would ALL put their credibility on the line by outright lying in order to make him look as bad as they could?
Not really. What I think is that there are things that Steve isn't saying, and things that Disney is not saying. I want to know if you know for sure that it's 100% true, and how you know it is. Blind support goes both ways.

me myself i

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Oct 20, 2008
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I kinda wonder if the Hensons just resented Steve for taking their father's place in the eyes of the public. Maybe not in terms of genius, (tho' imo Steve's a fine performer), I'm thinking more in terms of time. There's a whole generation for whom Steve IS Kermit. And I'm sure that's gotta sting, to see an outsider supplant a beloved father.

Maybe in their eyes, their attacks on Steve had some validity. Maybe they didn't. We'll most likely never know. But it certainly wasn't pretty. It's like the Real Housewives of Disney.

In comparison, I do appreciate Steve's approach more. Of course, I realize that could all be part of an act; damage control and the like. What else is the guy gonna say? I get that people would take it that way. But still, having said that, personally, I appreciate his restraint.

I fell like, while the smear campaign may have damaged Steve's reputation, it's also backfired on the Hensons' image as well. They may have been heartfelt emotional responses, but they were terrible business decisions, imo. Nobody comes out of these types of situations looking pretty.