Statler and Waldorf in Christmas Carol.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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minor muppetz said:
I think that J.P. Gross is the only muppet who could have played Scrooge. After all, he is mean and greedy enough, and he had a nephew (Scooter), and not many people knew about him to think he was out of character as Scrooge.

True. He is probably the one character that would have fit the part if they wanted to cast a Muppet. And you're right, Scooter would be so perfect to play Fred. Actually, he could have played Fred even with Michael Caine as Scrooge. It is better that Scrooge was a human though. The dynamic wouldn't have been as great if the whole cast was Muppets. Not for this story. Just IMO.