"Hey, he stole that guys pizza!"
Best. line. of the. movie.

Hehe, yeah it was a great movie. I mean, I think I liked Shrek 2 better (I'm more of a comedy guy than an action guy) but it was definitely a great movie! I love the guy who's the head of the papers, he's so funny. "Make sure you keep the caviare *the fish egg stuff* sealed"

And that sequence where he becomes just Peter Parker again (y'know when he gets rid of the suit and everything) was funny when they played that song. Speaking of getting rid of the suit, it was great when the bum brought it in and when he was offered 50 bucks for it he said "Hey, I could get more on eBay for this!"
You know, even though Spider-Man is really cool, I think my loyalty still lies with Batman