Um, well, HPDJ, I'm not sure your reaction is the best in the world, either. For accuracy's sake, Kimp didn't call anyone names, just said "boo hiss what's wrong with it". Two very different things.
So everybody take a deep breath, calm down, don't just blow up.

crazy: Crazy Harry, please restrain yourself.) Let's not bite each other's heads off. It leaves some people headless, and everyone else with a bad taste in their mouth. Not a good idea.
Kimp, I think your idea could work, if it was done right. The only thing is that I don't see much of a major conflict in it, it's just them putting on the show. And while I love to see the muppets trying to put on a show, like the backstage parts of TMS, I don't think it could carry a whole movie, unless there was another major conflict added that made it extremely difficult to put on the show. For example, if a whole bunch of muppets just walked out on the show. Like, take an episode idea from TMS- say, for example, when the band left. Except instead of just having them announce when the show starts that they're leaving, have them walk out at the beginning of the week. Then the movie could be spent showing Kermit trying to get another band to replace them, none of them working out, and meanwhile the band can't find anywhere else to fit in, so they split up, and nobody's happy. Then all of a sudden the show is about to start, and each member of the band walks in all, "What was I thinking? I belong here." And then it could be all happily-ever-after.
Woah, I just wrote... hey, that could be a fun fanfic... oh, fun fanfic, say that ten times fast... (fun fanfic fun fanfic funfan fic fufan fic fufafic...)
Anyway. What I'm saying is that it would be difficult to pull off just right. If they did manage to pull it off, I think it could be very enjoyable. But I think it would need a big conflict in it, instead of just being "let's put on a show". That's all.