Slackbot draws stuff


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2010
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No, Boober and Red aren't related in any way that was ever stated in the show. In my fics they definitely aren't relates, as Boober came from a different colony.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Remember those good old days, when I was keeping up with your writing and drawing and loving every second of it? Ah, yes, those were the good old days, when I was barely surviving my last year of college and had not yet had three or four life cycle events in my family thrown at me in a single month. (Going to Disney World is a life cycle event, right? I mean, it's TOTALLY on par with college graduation and a wedding and a funeral... right?)

Well, making up for lost time (or maybe just misplaced time), I have pretty much spent all my online time today looking at your pretty pictures and reading your wonderful stories. I am nowhere NEAR being caught up, but I have a few comments to make before I forget to make them. That being said, let's get on with the saying!

One: I absolutely love and adore your drawings.

Two: I particularly love and adore pretty much anything you draw of Wembley.

Three: Ditto for any and every time you draw any kind of interaction between Red and Gobo. (I'm a real sucker for their love/hate relationship in general...)

Four: When I reached your wonderful picture of Matt and the Storyteller, I quite literally (and very excitedly) sat up and started clapping--which is a very dangerous activity when you're procrastinating on a list of chores your loving parents have assigned you, but that's beside the point. But I just HAD to start clapping, you see, because it reminded me of this wonderful little blurb of an exchange in a Fraggle story that I have actually started writing for real (and may actually post someday if I ever come up with a better title than "Fraggle Fiction that Shouldn't be Written," because the plot has improved considerably since I gave it that name, and really, what kind of title is that?). The short version of the context of that blurb is that it's Couples Day, which can be about friendship but tends to be about... well, something mushier, which is why Red always runs her Singles Swim Race that day, and Gobo makes a point of getting as far as possible from the Great Hall by the time most Fraggles are awake and staying away until it's past time for bed. He's always had company for that trip before, and he's rather grouchily explaining to Red why this year it looks like he's going solo. The general idea of the unwritten blurb itself goes like this: A shocked and mildly disgusted Red saying, "Matt and the Storyteller? But--I didn't think that was mutual!" And a rather disgruntled Gobo grumbling, "Yeah, neither did I."

And... that was a very, VERY long way of saying, "That picture made me REALLY happy!"

And... I have more of your writing to read and comment on. So I will get to that! Yes! Because that sounds MUCH much better than going downstairs and trying to clean the microwave that I can barely reach without standing on a chair.


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2010
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Awww, gawrsh! I'm flattered that you've enjoyed my creative output enough to neglect your real-life obligations. And, yes, Disneyworld is major life event. It sure would be if I went, anyway. :wink:

Wembley is so much fun to draw, even though I can't get his hair right to save my life. ("Has he been washing his hair in elmer's glue again?") Just last night I drew a My Little Wembley on DA Muro just to tease a fellow Fraggle artist. You can guess what his butt-cheek tattoo was.

I enjoy writing Red and Gobo. In the fics in which they're adults, I like to show them as friendly foes. They love each other and they consider each other worthy adversaries, which means that they're continually competing and enjoying it. (It's a good thing they're pretty evenly matched, isn't it?) They have even decided to be on opposing rock hockey teams so the games wouldn't all be one-sided. Their relationship does have a tender side, but they keep that pretty well to themselves.

I like the story idea you pitched! It tickles me to think that Matt does notice The Storyteller, and that we simply don't see those moments because they're not part of a big story. Old farts deserve some of the sweet stuff too, y'know? And I'm sure you're aware that Terry Angus has posted about the possibility of Morris being The Storyteller's son by Matt. Hee hee.

Thank you for your kind comments! They put a big smile on my face. I felt all warm and fuzzy. In a manner of speaking, that is. I didn't actually grow fuzz, although after sewing fleece all last evening I almost feel as if I could.


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2003
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You know what? Have you guys ever wondered about what Newsie would look like, and how he'd talk if he did the news as a Muppet Baby?


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2011
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You know what? Have you guys ever wondered about what Newsie would look like, and how he'd talk if he did the news as a Muppet Baby?
... I think I'll draw that for you.

Anyway, wonderful art! I love the thingy about the world being Janken's Salad bar, and Skeeter was all like, "No mushrooms." LOL