No dont worrie everyone they didnt spoil anything. The movie was HORRIBLE, I cant even tell you what it was about. And the babies are only at the end for 2 min- THATS IT no bulid up to it either, in fact I didnt matter how many there were, cuz they had no part in the movie. Fiona said she was pregnant and that was about it other than Shrek having his nervous breakdowns but again not much of a story there either. All the characters seemed to be out of character, I really didnt care to find out what happens in the end (and there really isnt an ending, or, at least, it ends just how it seems it will end) And Justin Timberlake killed the movie, his character was under developed and the script was even worse. Eric Idle was Merlin. I love Eric Idle but wow, I dont even know what his character did for the story. Dont waste your money- and if you do, dont say I didnt tell you so.
And I didnt spoil anything, theres nothing to spoil, theres no story.